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Weird menstrual & appetite issues!

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So, I don't get PMS at all. I have no warning signs my period is coming...I just know based on the fact that it's obviously once a month. Then when it does come, I have cramps the entire time it's here! It's uncomfortable so I lose my appetite during the day. Then in the evening the cramps subside and I'm hungry again. Anyone experience something similar? This happens pretty much every month. I'm not sure why...anyone else feel like their appetite is suppressed when they have cramps? Feel cramps during your period but never before?

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i feel cramps only during my period, but as far as the appetite goes... im so ravenous when i have it. i eat allll day.



I am the same way. I typically will have cramping right when it is starting, with occasional cramps during (which has been greatly relieved by the pill), but my appetite in the days before and during my period is out of control- I eat everything! I am SOOO hungry.

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Yes! I can relate to this feeling, especially during the first 36 hrs. or so. Like you, I do not cramp before, just during. I do take an anti-inflammatory to help with the cramping, but I'm still left with a feeling that produces some mild nausea and thereforeeee will kill my appetite. I do have to make myself eat something though so my blood sugar won't bottom out and make me feel even worse--some soup, or a small serving of pasta helps keep things in check and sometimes helps abate the nausea too.

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Yes, but you can't blame your body for not wanting to eat. When you are in pain (especially in your midsection with your stomach involved), sometimes the last thing you want to do is eat.


Also, I've read that (not sure if it's true but it worked for me) that tampons can sometimes make the cramping worse. I hate pads, but I use them the first 2 days of my period because my cramps are so bad, and it helped. You'd might want to try this if you haven't already.

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Thanks for all the responses! Good to know nothing abnormal is going on w/my body. This cycle was particularly bad for some reason...I just didn't feel up to eating much but now that it's done I'm back to my usual hungry self, so all's well

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