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Don't blame yourself for his mistakes.

You loved him and put your all in to the relationship because you are a good, genuine person and you believed that it was a two way thing when it wasn't.

He didn't like you talking to your friends because he wanted to control you.

If I were you I would take your sim card and cut it up, that's the only way to stop the texts coming.

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You are right, I think our attraction was more on a sexual level. To this day he still goes on and on about how good the sex was...and the only time he says anything 'nice' is when he's talking about how 'hot & sexy' i am and how good I am in bed. Sure, sometimes he'll say he loves me and misses me...but if I don't respond he'll backfire with your a B word.

Still, sex and kissing anyone else ... just thinking about it still gives me the yuckies. I still don't want that after almost three months.

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Barbie hun - why are you still in contact with this cheating bastard? Put a lid on it doll - ignore his crappy messages - they don't mean anything. He lost a great girl - the best thing since sliced bread. He may be missing those aspects but the thing is that he doesn't know a good thing if his nose is rubbed in it - he just ain't capable of a normal relationship.


He is playing a game with you - he is yanking your chain - he is throwing you the ball - you throw it back and game on. Stop throwing it back and his game becomes pretty boring.


Just my 02c



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Can anyone explain why he gets so butt chapped at the fact that I am talking to other guys??? When he practically left me for miss track chick??

He is soooo concerned and acts like I am some HORRIBLE person for already talking [just talking] to someone else. Yet he was out with her before we were even broken up and the day and everyday since we've been broken up.

Told me he was in LOVE WITH HER. TOLD ME HE WAS HAVING SEX WITH HER. SAYING THAT SHE NEEDS HIM. And he even has the nerve to come at me with this stuff. Is this some sort of disorder or something?!??!



If I may be so blunt... how does he even KNOW you're talking to other guys if you're 1,000 miles apart?


The fact that you're still communicating with him is holding you back, and yet you wonder why you're still being affected. BREAK contact. Delete his number, block his texts, and move on with your life.


He is doing this stuff to you because he KNOWS it gets to you! He is not a nice guy... he is a nasty, manipulative person who is getting off by emotionally toying with you.


You seem like a nice person... but it takes two to play the game. Once one player doesn't want to play anymore, the game ends. You need to be that one and walk away from this.

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Ok, Barbie. I have a mission for you... I want you to go out this weekend and look for the hottest, sexiest guy you can find and flirt with him. You don't have to sleep with him, just flirt.


And keep doing this... keep looking for guys that attract you a lot. Maybe not as much as your ex right away, but guys you really like the look of and who seem a bit interested back. Examine them like a painting in a gallery, evaluate them. Compare them, look for things you like (and don't). Given them the look that says, 'You might be worthy of me, if you prove it.'


You don't have to take any of them seriously, just get out there and oil those sexy gears to get yourself thinking of someone else.


The sexiest guy i ever had was someone who at first i went 'meh....' I just wasn't ready for anything (or so i thought), but as i got to know him more, one day i was talking to him and it was like flipping a switch and i was an inferno for him! just totally couldn't get enough of him.


Your sexy gears are just stuck on Mr. 'you're a b--tch' man. You need to let someone else start working those gears and you'll be fine. Just get out there and work it for a while, turn your own sexy gears, and eventually you will find someone just as hot, or should i say you will get just as hot for someone else!


They're YOUR gears honey, not your ex's gears... you just have to work them until you find someone else who turns them just right!

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Still, sex and kissing anyone else ... just thinking about it still gives me the yuckies. I still don't want that after almost three months.


I don't understand, not too long ago you said you had sex with another guy

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sex with the ex. NOT GOOD. but that was OVER a month ago...and this thread wasn't about my having sex with him THANKS bunney!


Umm, just wondered cause you made a thread a while ago worrying you might be pregnant and people were asking you if you had sex with your ex and your response was: "but i've had like almost nothing to drink all morning and i've been peeing like i've been drinking water all day and no no ex"


But whatever, I don't really care and no problem, you're welcome!

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Barbie, you have made countless threads on here asking WHY he's doing this, WHY he's doing that. WHO CARES? He's your ex. If you're so convinced he doesn't care about you - what does it matter if he's trying to contact you? Many people have told you to change your number or SOMETHING... but it doesn't seem as if you're taking anybody's advice on here.


Don't mistake his "checking up on you" or pathetic attempts of texting you and getting angry at you for talking to another guy as love or him wanting you back. I think you're trying to find an excuse on here to believe he wants you back. Correct me if I'm wrong?


You're just as concerned with what he's doing and vice versa.

You're equally obsessed and it's not healthy.

Cut off contact and stop being concerned with what he's thinking/doing or what his intentions are. It doesn't matter.

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I can't believe you are actually wondering why he still contacts you when you slept with him just a month ago even after all the crap that happened between you two...


it's quite obvious why he hasn't let go because he knows you haven't let go either...

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I agree Barbie with the others that all of these threads analyzing his behavior is proof you wont let him go. Who cares why he does these things? He is not a rational man. I think deepdown you are feeling it all means he really loves you and you are letting that sway you a bit.


He is a classic push/pull type who pushes a woman away and when successful pulls her back. And it will never stop. He is probably chock full of many a personality disorder. Or at least one really big one.


You were rarely happy when you two were together. You'd be happy a short time and then the drama and tears would come again. Don't forget that. I know you will tell me you are not contemplating taking him back but there is proof here that you ARE NOT letting him go.


Given all of these threads I would not be one bit surprised if you posted tomorrow saying you were givng him another chance. Prove us wrong Barbie.

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