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When to send thank you letter?

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I had an interview today and was already invited in for a second interview to take place next week.


Since I know I'll be going back, would it be best to send the interviewer a thank you letter now, or wait until the second interview is over with?


It might make a stronger impact to send it when it's time for them to decide on who they want (meaning that I should send it next week), but I'm really not sure. I'm not used to a company telling me the very day of the first interview that they want me to come back in a week.


The second interview will take place with a different person, so I'm wondering if I should just send both letters to both individuals after the second meeting.


What should I do?

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I agree with Iceman. This is my line of work - send the interviewers a thank you note separately. Send a note to the first interviewer today, then another one when you interview with someone else, etc.


Doesn't matter if the first interviewers liked you and passed you along to the next stage...it is proper etiquette to STILL thank them for their time accordingly. Why should the last interviewer be the only one to get a thank you note? That would be odd.


While the thank you note is about presenting yourself in a nice light it is also about courtesy, not JUST winning someone over.

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