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i hate being broke up and not knowing why

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i hate it when guys give me this half-ass lame excuse on why were breaking up. then when i ask him to tell me the truth. he just tells me a bunch of he thinks i want to hear.


then when i act like i don't care anymore. he comes up and says i'll be calling you. what a bunch of Removed by moderator> . anybody else go thru this?

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that's what guys do. if we say the truth, we get hit in the back of the head with shoe.


I think guys say it because they don't want to hurt our feelings. They loved us once, after all. Or they cant think of a way to put it into words. And I know I made it hard, I wanted answers to things he just dodnt know the answer to.

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Just depends on the person. Most likely the type of guys you are attracted to. Breaking up can be handled with class but I'm started to think those people don't exist anymore. Maybe we are the only ones left... I broke up with my ex g/f b/c she cheated on me, thought maybe we could reconcile and then found out she left half way accross the world to be with some other guy for a month. Cheers to that, what a headace im saving myself.

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I don't think that any break up is easy. It's not easy for the dumper or the dumpee. Many people like to sugar coat things by saying what they think the other person might want to hear. I would not take what this guy said to heart. Just take it with a grain of sand and move on as if he never said it. In all reality, no matter what he could have said to you, the end result would have been the same... it's over.


I am sorry for your pain but its best to not try and analize the break up. Just take it for what it is and do your best to start healing.

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Yeah I got a bunch of excuses. Finally found out the real reason last night - he doesnt want commitment. Just wants friendship without the attachments of stress that comes with having a girlfriend. You know what? He was ugly anyway. Lol.


I dont think anyone is "Laughing out loud" with that statement. You liked him for one reason or another. By saying "he was ugly anyway" that goes to show your immaturity level. I can now see why he broke it off with you. Heal that bitter heart and maybe your relationships will last longer.

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I had an ex tell me that he was breaking up with me because he felt we were better as just friends for now.


Then less than a week later, he had a new girlfriend. If he'd just told me that he'd met someone else, I wouldn't have lost all respect for him. There is no way you go from meeting someone to listing them as your girlfriend on Facebook in less than 1 week. He had to have met her during our relationship.


I look at the lies as proof of how they're too weak/immature to deal with anything real. A lot of people skim over the truth because they can't handle serious discussions, or their ego can't take somebody being hurt/mad at them.

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I dont think anyone is "Laughing out loud" with that statement. You liked him for one reason or another. By saying "he was ugly anyway" that goes to show your immaturity level. I can now see why he broke it off with you. Heal that bitter heart and maybe your relationships will last longer.


Or just visit the psycho ex thread!!

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I dont think anyone is "Laughing out loud" with that statement. You liked him for one reason or another. By saying "he was ugly anyway" that goes to show your immaturity level. I can now see why he broke it off with you. Heal that bitter heart and maybe your relationships will last longer.



I'm not immature, I'm just venting.

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Yeah I got a bunch of excuses. Finally found out the real reason last night - he doesnt want commitment. Just wants friendship without the attachments of stress that comes with having a girlfriend. You know what? He was ugly anyway. Lol.


Hahaha. Nice. That made me laugh.


I hope you told him that after he said he just wanted some booty

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I dont think anyone is "Laughing out loud" with that statement. You liked him for one reason or another. By saying "he was ugly anyway" that goes to show your immaturity level. I can now see why he broke it off with you. Heal that bitter heart and maybe your relationships will last longer.


Oh, lighten up


If she wants to say something like that to make herself feel better, who cares


She was hurt by someone. We all deal with it differently. We don't all have to be super mature all the time.


I say do whatever makes you feel better when you're healing.

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honestly? if you tell a girl you just with her for booty. whatcha think is gonna happen?


i don't think at anytime i will be tellin a girl that she was just a booty call. i would say anything else but that.


i even told a girl once that i couldn't date anyone with pets because i was allergic to animals. that's not true i have two dogs.

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I wouldn't care "why". He's breaking up with you, and thats the thing that hurts. I've never had someoen do this to me, though. Usually they were very specific and I was to. But also, it was pretty obvious through their actions that it would be over.

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I was just talking with my bf about this last night, the need to know why. We both see so many people that can't move on unless they "know why". He advises his clients (he's a family law attorney) that they don't really want to know everything. He told me you think that knowing exactly why will help you to heal, but he says in his experience people who know all the details heal the slowest and take forever to move on. I asked him why, I thought it would be the opposite. He said the more you know, the more questions and mental pictures torture your mind. Just be happy you don't know more, I guess.

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i dont understand the people who dont come out and say why there breaking up, b/c if you lie then you lied before and you have to keep lieing to cover it up, and im a lazy person sometimes and thats just too much work for me to keep up lieing lies, I mean one girl i broke up with back in november, i staight up told her im leaving her for someone else im just a brutaly honest guy, sugar coteings for the weak.

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i dont understand the people who dont come out and say why there breaking up, b/c if you lie then you lied before and you have to keep lieing to cover it up, and im a lazy person sometimes and thats just too much work for me to keep up lieing lies, I mean one girl i broke up with back in november, i staight up told her im leaving her for someone else im just a brutaly honest guy, sugar coteings for the weak.


I agree to an extent...but you should still also have compassion. Don't do it just to be mean. I tell the truth for the same reason though, lies are too hard to keep up with.

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If people would just honestly tell their SOs why they want to break up, I think there'd be a lot less Ex Stalking in this world.


There'd be a lot less knocks on the door at 4am and screams of "WHHHhhhhyyyyyy"


I second that!

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