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MyGF just broke up with me...


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OP comes much closer than the ex/current BF to having a winning cause of action for civil assault or battery because ex/current threw the first punch...


I would agree with that...but that probably comes down to a matter of what can be proven in court...who knows what would happen, what evidence would be available, or whom would be believed by the court if the guy actually filed charges.

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Boy I have been there done that! I am still in the middle of it as a matter of fact. I was glad to go NC when I found out. Everything is eerily familiar. The best thing to do is to squeak away like a thief in the night. Disappear like a whole and never look back. Sure it sucks for a while but your revenge will come when she turns around and you are not there. No doubt it will fail just don't be that guy that will dry the tears.


Just promise me that bro... you'll be fine that I can promise you.

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Boy I have been there done that! I am still in the middle of it as a matter of fact. I was glad to go NC when I found out. Everything is eerily familiar. The best thing to do is to squeak away like a thief in the night. Disappear like a whole and never look back. Sure it sucks for a while but your revenge will come when she turns around and you are not there. No doubt it will fail just don't be that guy that will dry the tears.


Just promise me that bro... you'll be fine that I can promise you.


Thanks for the support man.


After the weekend has gone and past, that twisting feeling and anger is all gone.


However, Im still having trouble keeping it off my mind. Its getting easier to deal with, and im understanding what, why and how it all happened, but its still continuing to consume most of my thoughts.


It feels like its been a few weeks that ive been dealing with it, but its hard to believe it hasnt even been 1 week yet. All this happened last wednesday.

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This is going to get better faster than I thought based on the fact it hasn't been a week and I feel lightyears better than I did a few days ago. However, im still struggling with 2 things. Her best friend contacted me just to appologize for what she did and how she knows I did nothing wrong and confirming she made a real stupid decision. Thats died off though, this was late last week...I havent heard from her since. The other thing is checking his facebook. She blocked me so I cant look at hers even if I tried, but I still have his dumb facebook and I check it every few days or so. Yesterday there were a bunch of "i love you so much baby" comments and "bumperstickers" from her to him all over the page.


Pissed me right off.


However, its all good. Ill bounce back from this. I keep learning through experience, but when is it going to pay off! lol Instead of putting what I learn to work, I end up just learning something new.


1st real GF (2 years) - cheated on me and left for a new guy


2nd GF (2 months) - I kinda used to end a dryspell (probably still paying karma for this)

and then she became really clingy and I couldnt get her from stalking me.


3rd GF (4 months) - She ended our relationship to leave the state for college


4th GF (3 months) - She used me for social scene and showed disinterest in me 95% of the time. I finally broke up with her after I got over my stupidness of not wanting to because I was so attracted to her physically.


5th GF (4 months) - Completely used me as a rebound for 4 months and then left me cold turkey for her EX. Which is where im at now, 1 week removed.


what in the world can happen next?

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Hey MrMango


I am glad you are beggining to see the wood through the trees - a bit of time and space works wonders, doesn't it. It may seem like you wonder what can happen next, but I think if you are more choosy about new relationships and go into them with your eyes open more widely, you should be able to keep flaky relationships to a minimum.


GF no 1: Cheated on you and left for another guy. A: OK - perhaps not much you could have done there - put it down to bad experience.


GF no 2: You used her during a dry spell. A: Don't do this - it isn't fair!


GF n0 3: Left state for college. A: Perhaps you could have forsawn that this was going to cause you problems in the future.


GF no 4: Used you and mostly showed no interest in you. A: Yes - you should have opened your eyes and kicked her to the curb sooner.


GF no 5: Completely used you as a rebound and left you cold turkey. A: Don't get romantically involved with anyone fresh out of a relationship.


I'm no expert and I am still learning but I hope that you can look back and see that there were signs in most cases that were red flags flapping about.



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Yea there were signs everywhere for sure..always are it seems.


The next one I have to understand WONT move as fast as this last one did. Im a "two feet in" kind of guy so thats I was so comfortable with her in terms of instantly hanging out regularly, and even sleeping over within the first month. But I have to understand its gotta be taken slow.

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