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Brown spotting between period

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Im 25 and have always had normal regular periods, I got a smear test and a full check up 2 and a half years ago, the smear was fine, i had an infection BV which I got treated for, my problem now is that this month and last month about 5 days after my period stopped I have light brown spotting lasting a day or two its very very light but as i have never got it before im worried that something huge might be wrong, does anyone else get this? do i need to get checked up again?

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Brown discharge is usually nothing more than old blood. Its very common to see a little after your period, its just residual blood that was left.


I would be highly concerned if it was fresh, bright red colored blood.

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Depending on your recent sexual history in the past 3 months (or the recent sexual history of your partner), and your use of condoms, you may or may not have acquired a sexually transmitted infection. If you think you may have been placed at risk, I would consider getting tested for just to be safe. Go see a doctor.


Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, for example, can present this way early on... you see often malodorous (or not) brown/red/pus a few days after periods. Go get a pap test... they should test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea infections as standard.

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