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The big O.


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Ok, so I BELIEVE I am having an orgasm.. but I always think to myself "Is that it?" Don't get me wrong, it feels good... but sometimes I think maybe I am stopping to soon... Let me try to explain what I feel and tell me if I am indeed having one!! I'm a female, btw.


Ok, so it starts to feel good, then better, then amazing... one it gets to the amazing part I get this quick rush of OMFG feeling (like a really good feeling) but it only last for like 2 seconds... then I get REALLY sensitive and can't go on... So is the 2 seconds of OMFG feeling the orgasm?


Oh and once I'm turned on and something starts to feel really good the whole process can take only like 5-10 seconds and I get to the "orgasm" point... is that normal?


Thanks for any input.

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Yeah, I try too... it just happens so quick, which I hate.


Like i will get to the point where its almost "the point of no return" and I tell my boyfriend to stop unless he wants me to have an orgasm right now... so he usually stops for a second, I get myself under control and we keep going... But when I'm in the mood its just SO easy for me get to the point of orgasm.

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Sounds like you're orgasming. When everything is really sensitive, that's a great time to keep going and have multiples. Alot of times my second O is better than the first.



Really? I for some reason can't even continue.... Like if I have an orgasm during sex before my boyfriend does I can continue as long as he doesn't stimulate my clitoris. Its so sensitive for me I can't even touch it, let alone rub it more... I wish I could, I'd love to have multiply orgasms!!!

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The first time I masturbated and for about 3 years after, I always stopped right when that OMFG feeling started b/c I wasn't sure what it was...it felt "weird". Finally I made myself wait it out, and I shook and shook like crazy and it was the best feeling ever.


Wait it out. Seriously. Even if it feels weird, or if you feel too sensitive, just wait it out and let it go.

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The first time I masturbated and for about 3 years after, I always stopped right when that OMFG feeling started b/c I wasn't sure what it was...it felt "weird". Finally I made myself wait it out, and I shook and shook like crazy and it was the best feeling ever.


Wait it out. Seriously. Even if it feels weird, or if you feel too sensitive, just wait it out and let it go.


See that was my concern is that I stop too soon, but I continue while the omfg feeling goes but then it gets really sensitive... It kinda feels like it is ending as well though. But I'm going to try to wait it out and see what happens... its just hard because its so sensitive!

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See that was my concern is that I stop too soon, but I continue while the omfg feeling goes but then it gets really sensitive... It kinda feels like it is ending as well though. But I'm going to try to wait it out and see what happens... its just hard because its so sensitive!


stroke lighter when it gets really sensitive or hold the pressure and hardly move your finger...experiment...

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If it feels so sensitive that you can barely touch it, just barely touch it. Don't apply a lot of pressure and stop if it feels so strong that you may attach yourself to the ceiling. That's what i do.


Or if you have sex, get your boyfriend to go down on you till you start orgasming. Once it gets too intense, have him enter you immediately and push his penis in deeply and rest on your clit with his body. It's seriously some of the most amazing orgasms I've had this way.

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If it feels so sensitive that you can barely touch it, just barely touch it. Don't apply a lot of pressure and stop if it feels so strong that you may attach yourself to the ceiling. That's what i do.


Or if you have sex, get your boyfriend to go down on you till you start orgasming. Once it gets too intense, have him enter you immediately and push his penis in deeply and rest on your clit with his body. It's seriously some of the most amazing orgasms I've had this way.



Haha, YES IT IS!! I have him do that sometimes.. right when im about to orgasm he sticks it in and wow... i orgasm right away just from him putting it inside, its like the most intense orgasm I have ever had.

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It's pretty much like that for guys, too. The actual climax is pretty quick.


For me, sex comes in stages.


  1. Turned on but not feeling that much. I may be excited by what I'm doing, but the physical sensation is minimal.
  2. I start feeling real pleasure, not just mental excitement. Nothing's urgent yet.
  3. The decision to go for completion. Sometimes I just really want to go for the next step, sometimes it's not a choice. This is the point where you wish your partner would yell "do it!" This moment can be very emotional if it's a voluntary decision.
  4. Striving for climax. If I'm over the threshold to start, this can be more intensely pleasurable than orgasm itself. Particularly if it takes a while, say 10-15 seconds. Much longer than that, though, and things can collapse.
  5. Over the threshold. Suddenly nothing is voluntary anymore. Actual climax comes a second or two later. Climax is both intensely emotionally satisfying, and disappointing because it means it's over.

Best case is stage 2 and 4 last a long time. 2 is really nice, but 4 is much more intense.


Worst case is having trouble reaching stage 2, and at the first hint of pleasure suddenly climaxing with little or no pleasure. It's actually possible, though rare, for a guy to ejaculate without any feeling of climax at all. This can happen if your body decides you're at the trigger point for stage 3, you try and delay, and it goes ahead anyway.


I've always imagined that female orgasm was much the same way. The trick to really intense orgasms is prolonging stage 4, though prolonging 2 can lead to really good sex without an intense climax.

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