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Just Leave Me Be

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my dreams have stopped about 2 weeks now. I took a vacation back home and re-connected with all friends and family, i made i note that "Taking Care of Myself" and jotted down all things I could do to achieve this, Ive been feeling better now at least before I go to bed. Its all ups and downs imstarting to notice but i am certain that this too shall pass..

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So im just not getting it. im doing all the recommended things: exercise, hang with friends, keep myself busy. focusing on my little birthday get together and whatnot. but whats the pointto all this if i keep starting back at point #1. im currently talking to 3 girls but as friends, im still bleeding for my ex. i dont want to get into anything while i still have her coursing through my veins. yet i miss my ex tremendously. so much so that last night after come home from a bar with a friend i started getting severe back pains everytime i thought of her. i mean this hurt bad. i had a dream about her. im feeling very meloncholic, dont want to do anything. but i have so much to do....this viscious cycle never seems to end.....

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Please take some advise from someone who has gone through this just like you.....I just want to help.


The BEST thing I learned and did was to stay busy and stay in the moment. BUT How? Well......I had to learn to keep my mind busy on other things that did NOT remind me of my ex. I had to forgive and let go. Not resist. That is where the pain comes from. Trust me.


As an example: I could not watch most TV programs because just seeing an attractive woman sent me in to a tailspin. So if I watched TV, I ONLY watched programs that had me focus on something else. Some ind of learning channel or even sports.


The main key... for me at least was excercise. After work, I would ride my mountain bike and set a distance goal or time goal....I would ride so many miles and try to beat my time....or do something physical that helped me to be tired and get a good nights sleep......like lifting weights....BUT have a G O A L.....like so many reps..


You should never eat before going to bed! (You body is working to digest food and not fully resting.)


I read books that helped me think about helping ME or reading about things that I always wanted to learn about.


In time, the my body felt better and I was healthier.....and my mind soon followed. I looked better, felt better.....and for me, I met a new woman who like me for ME. For me, I finally learned that I AM an attractive, good looking, funny guy that many woman would love to be with and....everything happens for a reason. Why be with someone who is not happy with how we are??


Be yourself and love yourself for who YOU are....not what someone wants you to be for them! God made me the way I am for a reason.

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Hang in there bud, I feel your pain.


I saw my ex for the first time yesterday after our split 10 months ago.


She had a new guy in tow, we looked at each other as strangers and walked on, so sad.


We lived together 2 years, were together for 4, we planned the lot marriage, kids.


Its brought me back but we gotta be strong, were going through the same and are here for each other.


Take care.

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Just have a little faith, the higher power works in very misterious ways, you could be surprised and besides.. no one knows what will happen tomorrow..


There's no illness that could last a 100 years or a person that could resist it, this too shall pass!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

so ive been away for a while from ENA. everything has pretty much stayed the same. i keep missing my ex regardless of how much fun im having with friends, keeping myself busy with work or whatever, running at the park until i feel like my chest is gonna explode and my legs feel like falling apart. i try not to think of her. yet there she is in my thoughts.

what am i doing wrong?

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