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When is it right to sue?


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As some of you may know I have been the victim of a horrible roomate. Well the damages incurred because of him equal ~$500 (~$270 for electric and ~$250 for loss of deposit due to his completely ruining the walls and carpet). Ive thought about sueing him, but Ive never done it and I dont know if it is the right time to do so. I guess its kinda bout choosing your battles correctly and well this is a big battle to be choosing.

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Financially, that amount isn't large enough to bother suing. It'll cost a lot more in expenses and time if you choose to do so.


Let it go. Karma will bite him in the ass soon enough.

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I think you would be wasting your time, personally. Don't know that much about the legal system, but it actually sounds like a very small amount of money to be suing for, given what you might incur in legal fees.


Have you asked him for your money back? I would start with smaller steps such as sending warnings, notarized letter, etc ... to see if that gets you anywhere.

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I've tried contacting him but my phone calls are on ignore or his phone is off completely. I know he wont pay me back because he had 2 months to pay this bill. He seems to think responsibility is a joke or something because he does none of it.

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Well after the call that on day all contact numbers have either been off or been ignoring my calls. I haven't been able to talk to anybody on his side. I would love to have talked to his parents, but now the chance is up. Only way I will be able to contact him will be to drive 4 hours to his house.

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