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Moodiness In Men?

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Hi all,


So I'm just curious about male behavior: What does it mean if he gets moody?


Guys: Do you turn into a sourpuss if a girl you like doesn't pick up on your hints when you expect her to?


Girls: Have you had the experience where a guy gets frustrated and it's seemingly over yourself? Such as, he seems in perfect spirits earlier in the day, but by night he seems distant.


I'm wondering if guys have a tendency to get frustrated when girls don't pick up on their hints because they're sometimes so vague and subtle that it's impossible to tell if what he said is a hint or if you're reading into things too much? Anybody else think they've had this experience? Or an experience, period, where a guy is really moody and you can never tell exactly why?

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My guy friend always gets moody when he thinks a girl he likes doesn't like him or likes another guy. ALWAYS.


He really likes my best friend, and every time he knows she's hanging out with her other guy friends he gets really, really moody.


I don't think a guy will get moody because he thinks a girl isn't picking up on his signals. In my experience, the guy gets moody because he thinks the girl isn't sending out signals (or only likes him as a friend).


I've seen it happen numerous times with various guys. A girl he's with starts flirting or paying lots of attention to another guy... and he gets moody. If the girl is paying attention to and flirting with him, he NEVER gets moody. It's completely dependent on the girl's signals, in my opinion.


However... if you are actively flirting with him and he is moody, he may be thinking about another girl (or any conflicts that would prevent a relationship between you and him).

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Girls: Have you had the experience where a guy gets frustrated and it's seemingly over yourself? Such as, he seems in perfect spirits earlier in the day, but by night he seems distant.


I'm wondering if guys have a tendency to get frustrated when girls don't pick up on their hints because they're sometimes so vague and subtle that it's impossible to tell if what he said is a hint or if you're reading into things too much? Anybody else think they've had this experience? Or an experience, period, where a guy is really moody and you can never tell exactly why?


I actually experienced this the other day. Guy was great in the morning, but by night he was a bit distant. I asked him about it, 1. he was tired 2. things that occurred during the day are still rambling in his mind which he was still thinking about. Didn't bother me and I fully understood.


I think guys and gals are both vague to be honest. We say things to guys that seem like obvious hints cause we are too shy or afraid to come right out and say it or for some dumb reason it seems more special to us if they do get it, idk. The guy being vague probably for similar reasons. When I try to figure out things this certain guy has said to me, he would tell me in return that I read too much into things. If he is moody, I ask him. If he tells me, he tells me, if he doesn't feel like telling me at the moment, I can handle that too. He will tell me in due time or I just forget it. Guy will always be from mars and we will always be from venus, lol.

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I agree it could be anything getting him upset. But I feel like it's partially directed towards me.


If my wishful thinking were correct and he HAS been trying to drop vague as hell hints to me and expecting me to pick up on them and make a move, and he's getting frustrated by my not responding as he would like, then perhaps the mood is explained. I had Reese's Pieces which are his favorites and we were joking about being prepared for schoolwork and I said I'm never prepared and he turned to me and motioned to the candy and asked quizzically if I'm truly never prepared and I said I only meant for schoolwork that I'm not prepared. A better answer which I thought of now (bad time to think of it) would have been to say I'm always prepared where he's concerned. But I didn't say it. And then about seven people filed in to watch a movie with us and he seemed to drop instantly after this and become moody. I wasn't sure how to read that. And he hasn't returned my Facebook poke today even though he normally pokes people every time he goes on Facebook. I know, it's meaningless, but why would he be withholding the poking when he used to poke all the time?

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And then about seven people filed in to watch a movie with us and he seemed to drop instantly after this and become moody.


Where did the seven people come from? Did you invite them or did he?

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We live in a house in a dorm and he and I have a regular movie night on Monday nights with another guy. But sometimes others appear. So tonight, because many people have wanted to see Grindhouse, another four people were in the room plus our mutual friend. And he did seem rather snippy with them as many were talking and complaining during the movie - the same old lame question of "Wait, what's going on?" and we all just have to assure the person that all will be explained if we wait and see. When a few people kept asking the question, he got sharp with them and said, "Just watch the movie, they're explaining it right now!" I'd like to think maybe he wanted it to just be two or three of us for special reasons, but I can't let myself think that. So I dunno. it was just odd to me.

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See I was the one who told him many months ago I had interest so I would have expected him to make the move now if he's interested. But then I've been thinking, what if he's so silly he's afraid I have moved on and he's dropping what he thinks are sure hints and I'm nt reading them because I want physical affirmation, and he's not getting the hints from my because he can't read mine and he just wants physical confirmation too?


Apparently after I got up quickly to leave and go to my room to the bathroom, according to a friend who was there, he exchanged some significant looks with our mutual friend. And I recall seeing during the movie she looked over at him and she had this curious look on her face as though asking him "What is up?" Sheesh. I don't know if I should follow advice that these things are mole hills and not mountains, or if I should take these as signs from a guy who thinks he's being clear but is actually being really subtle and just go for it and talk to him?

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I get snippy if people talk during a movie but only if it's a good movie. This does not apply to Grindhouse.


Sounds like you have a crush on him as well. If so, create a situation. Help a brother out! Nothing too obvious... Just imply that you really like ex (a restraunt for example) but can't find anyone to go with you . If that doesn't work, he's hopeless.

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That's interesting, because I actually have 2 friends who used to have a regular Monday movie night, and that was because they were interested in dating each other. (though that has now ended, due to her rejecting him.)


Also, I used to watch a TV show regularly with my boyfriend.


Maybe there are "just friends" couples who have regular movie/tv nights, but it seems unlikely from my experience. Especially if this guy is scheduling things around this movie night deal, it's pretty likely that he's interested.


I've also had that kind of movie experience- a couple of years ago when I was at a movie with my ex (we had started dating a couple of days previously) and we were sitting next to each other. Our mutual friend was on his other side, and I could see that she was giving him significant looks and whispering things like "just do it!" And eventually he put his arm around me. Of course the whole relationship was kind of awkward so that ended soon, so.... yeah.


Anyway, I wouldn't recommend talking to him about it, since I did that with the guy I mentioned above and everything turned out to be incredibly awkward.


You actually have a great way to show him you're interested. You should step up the flirting in general in your interactions with him. Then- I don't know how you guys usually sit while watching a movie, but make sure to sit next to him (or suggest that he sits next to you in some subtle way). Even he doesn't make a move during the movie, if you sit next to him and your arms touch and he DOESN'T pull away, that's a good sign and he may have the confidence to make a move during the next movie.


edit- Oops, I forgot there was a third person who's in on the movie night. You could ask your mutual friend to ask him to do something else during the next movie night, or whatever, so that the two of you are alone. Or you can ask the guy you're interested in if he wants to watch another movie like on Friday or whatever.


Good luck

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