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What to do?


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Honey, I think the first thing you need to do is take a home pregnancy test. You need to start talking about it to your parents if you are pregnant to explore how to resolve it. You can't hide a pregnancy, and you should be seeing a doctor to ensure the baby has good health if you decide to keep it or give it up for adoption, or to get some counseling on abortion if that is the route you want to take...


You are only 14, and there is a lot to deal with here. If you don't want to talk with your parents yet, talk to you school counselor, or get some info from Planned Parenthood about some support group numbers you can call and talk to. But your advise now should be coming from adults who have experience dealing with teen pregnancies, not from peers who themselves may be scared or mis-informed.


Also, since the age of consent has been raised, please recognize that you should not be having sex with boys at your age. Potential pregnancies like this are one of the reasons, since you just don't have enough experience to recognize when things are a good idea or not. I think you should be dating NO boys until you reach the age of consent.


In the meantime you need to resolve the pregnancy issues, and get tested for STDs to make sure you have not been infected with a disease requiring treatment. Many infections are silent and you won't know if you have them until tested.


Your parents will be mad at first, but they do love you. Your whole future is at stake here, and you need to own up to this situation, work on a plan with your parents on what to do about it, and refrain from having sex with anybody until you are at least 16.


People can and do straighten out their lives all the time, so please don't be overwhelmed. You just need a plan, and to follow it.

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