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sexless marriage?


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If 2 people are together for lets say 15 years, and the woman no longer loves her husband because he cheated on her not too long ago and she feels very hurt...but they are trying to stay together for the kids......is it possible they do not have sex, even if they sleep in the same bed together?

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If 2 people are together for lets say 15 years, and the woman no longer loves her husband because he cheated on her not too long ago and she feels very hurt...but they are trying to stay together for the kids......is it possible they do not have sex, even if they sleep in the same bed together?


Is this a hypothetical, or is your wife no longer sleeping with you because you had an affair and broke her trust?

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Possible?? Huh, I did it for almost 2 years.... really think about why your staying together, don't worry about how many years it has been... concentrate on where you are going. An affair is a hard thing to forgive and will never be forgotten, you really shouldn't have to live like that. If you stay for the wrong reasons, you'll be miserable - believe me, I know....

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Hahaha, thats lame. Staying together for the kids is as pathetic as it gets. You don't raise kids in a bitter, angry environment where they don't see their parents getting along or being loving towards each other. The parents putting on an act. Seriously in cases like this its best to get a divorce, at least while the child is young and their not older and can't talk back etc. But kids always know whats going on.


Just because you have kids does not mean you put yourself last. You don't stay in an unhappy loveless marriage because your kids may follow in those footsteps. You need to learn to be strong and end it if its over.

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If 2 people are together for lets say 15 years, and the woman no longer loves her husband because he cheated on her not too long ago and she feels very hurt...but they are trying to stay together for the kids......is it possible they do not have sex, even if they sleep in the same bed together?


Happens all the time. If it continues they will end up hating one another. I'd suggest marriage counseling to try to salvage what is left of the marriage....otherwise I don't think their chances for happiness together are good.

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Hahaha, thats lame. Staying together for the kids is as pathetic as it gets. You don't raise kids in a bitter, angry environment where they don't see their parents getting along or being loving towards each other. The parents putting on an act. Seriously in cases like this its best to get a divorce, at least while the child is young and their not older and can't talk back etc. But kids always know whats going on.


Just because you have kids does not mean you put yourself last. You don't stay in an unhappy loveless marriage because your kids may follow in those footsteps. You need to learn to be strong and end it if its over.


Some couples stop having sex. And realistically, if it's ok by both partners then it's ok. You need not live your life by other's rules, or by what's deemed acceptable through society's standards. You're an adult. You make your own rules. Don't keep up with the sex life of the Jones' because that's always a losing battle.


However, if sex really is important to one partner or another, then you do need to seek therapy and attempt to fix it or your connection will diminish and eventually disappear. Relationships all come down to both partners getting what they need if not always what they want.

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As I've said before, kids are happiest when their parents are happy, even if that means them being apart.


So, if you can stay happy in a sexless marriage then go for it, if not the best thing for your kids is to separate.

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It is possible, but I don't know why you'd WANT to... if you're the wife in this "hypothetical" question, the physical side of your relationship can actually be a good way to restrengthen your ties... after you've punished him enough by having no sex for a while, anyway

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If 2 people are together for lets say 15 years, and the woman no longer loves her husband because he cheated on her not too long ago and she feels very hurt...but they are trying to stay together for the kids......is it possible they do not have sex, even if they sleep in the same bed together?


Anything is possible. I know a few married couples who aren't having sex and still sleep in the same bed. Are you in a marriage like this, or are you the woman he had the affair with? It sounds like the latter. If you give more information and more about what you're getting at, maybe you can find a really specific answer to your question.

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Woah made me realise so this guy is okay to stay with the wife maybe for the kids, maybe for financial reasons, or what not, but will still see the other lady and have sex with her? So then the wife is going to end up dating? Geez will this turn into a mess or what?

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