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Contact With Ex After 2 Months NC

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You went so far just to be with him and some people wouldn't even go accross town for the one they love. You are special, there is no doubt about that. You put it all out there for this guy and got your heart broken. You have a right to down like we all do from time to time but you do cheer me up...although you do scare me some times.

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I see you are kind of in the same boat! I was thinking a final conversation would be moot, but I think it did me a lot of good. Do you feel the same way?


Whether or not he really feels as badly as he should, at least he is attempting to sound as if he is sorry. Weasily bastard.


Big hugs. You'll be okay!!

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You went so far just to be with him and some people wouldn't even go accross town for the one they love. You are special, there is no doubt about that. You put it all out there for this guy and got your heart broken. You have a right to down like we all do from time to time but you do cheer me up...although you do scare me some times.


I think I am one of the more innocent psychos!


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I see you are kind of in the same boat! I was thinking a final conversation would be moot, but I think it did me a lot of good. Do you feel the same way?


Whether or not he really feels as badly as he should, at least he is attempting to sound as if he is sorry. Weasily bastard.


Big hugs. You'll be okay!!


LOL Bambina.....I think it was something I needed to go through! I still have love in my heart for him! He is still him though...of COURSE!! LOL We are going to be stronger for this....RIGHT??? LOL Today is just a bad day! I need to go back to NC and move on!

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Eh after reading this it puts me in a strange spot, I think we all want to hear from our ex's when we get dumped...you know to know we mattered or even them to beg us back or some kind of closure...reading this makes me realize that it doesn't make you feel any better it's just another thing...if I hear from my ex it intruth would make me feel bad....it's better I don't and I am lucky I never will...because I think I have had enough hurt from her, so myspace is on private now so she doesn't stalk it....it's time for me to let go completely.

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Eh after reading this it puts me in a strange spot, I think we all want to hear from our ex's when we get dumped...you know to know we mattered or even them to beg us back or some kind of closure...reading this makes me realize that it doesn't make you feel any better it's just another thing...if I hear from my ex it intruth would make me feel bad....it's better I don't and I am lucky I never will...because I think I have had enough hurt from her, so myspace is on private now so she doesn't stalk it....it's time for me to let go completely.


I know that it will stop me from wanting to write him! I can't explain...but I feel sad, angry, and relieved all at once????!?!??!??!??!??!?!?!??! It's something I had to go through and I think I did pretty well! I am proud of myself!

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Yeah I got both of them up there, that one is the one with me with less facial hair so I look more prepubescent, I have too much of a baby face hahaha. I'm working on growing a full beard at the moment though.


The girls will flock!

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how rude!!!!!!


I can do without realding filth like this


You have every right to feel angry and hurt lit!!!


I feel the same too. I was just thinking today that how can someone be so caring, care about a person, he came to the hospital to visit me and all that, and now it's all just gone!!!! How can someone just STOP caring for someone they once cared about so much? Doesn't make sense to me!!!

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how rude!!!!!!


I can do without realding filth like this


You have every right to feel angry and hurt lit!!!


I feel the same too. I was just thinking today that how can someone be so caring, care about a person, he came to the hospital to visit me and all that, and now it's all just gone!!!! How can someone just STOP caring for someone they once cared about so much? Doesn't make sense to me!!!


Oh Fairyyyyy...if you are reading it...you are writing it!! LMAO I don't know...men stink! LOL

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awww...I see you finally gave in and spoke to the Ex. I know he just about died from a heart attack when he saw you actually acknowledged his existence.....hehe


You did great girl, and you were incredibly strong in this situation. Your ex was right about one thing though....He doesn't deserve you at all! You have so much to offer the to the right guy.


Too bad your guy doesn't live near you...we coulda TP'ed his house....lol...Not that I support that type of behavior....

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