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update, please help me guys and girls

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i was with my ex for 4 years, she broke up with me like 2 months ago. at first it was really hard on me i lost weight, tried to kill my self. SHe didnt want to come back so for the last two weeks we didnt speak until today. She called me and wanted to see me. Today when we meet she started to cry because i was skinny and she felt she was the reason. I gave her a hug and we talked. SHe told me, she was still in love with me. SHe said she made to mistakes 1)breaking up with me b4 giving me a chance and 2)getting into a relationship. for the last month she has been seing this guy. SHe tells me she really likes him but she loves me. She told me that she dont see her self with this guy because his not good enough for her and she feels his not her equal like i was. we kissed and i said i wanted her back. I dont know what to do? I know what i want, but im not gonna put my self in a position to get hurt, she loves me but she likes this guy, it seems that she cant figuer out what she wants. She said she is willing to hang out with me and stuff but she would also go out with him. I dont know what to do should i just walk away and let her be with this guy? I want her to come back to me when she is 100% sure of what she wants. However she might not even come back at all. what SHould i do, please guys help me out.

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I know what i want, but im not gonna put my self in a position to get hurt, she loves me but she likes this guy, it seems that she cant figuer out what she wants. quote]


Seems like you said it and answered it yourself. I can't believe you tried to kill yourself, thats not good, but its another story. Its not right, don't let yourself be in such a relationship where she just gets to decide. Now just because she cried it doesn't mean she loves you, it does mean she cares abt you though, but those are different things you know. It is not fair to you, Don't let her have both its not right. Maybe tell her she needs to figure it out without both guys (you and that other person) so she is not biased by whoever is closer. She just needs time and space it seems, or she just needs *someone* don't be that dummy. Maybe I am wrong, I mean she said she made a mistake by breaking up with you, but than why does she still want to see that guy? Doesn't make any sense...

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i know it doesnt make sense, is she loves me why cant she give this guy up. Im not gonna talk to her, and if she called again im not gonna answer the phone. I dont desever this, so she has to be 100% of what she wants b4 she calls me.

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