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there's an evil monkey in my closet!

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... and it's keeping me awake


Well, ok, seriously. I've been suffering from insomnia for the longest time. I went to see a shrink and was prescribed some anti-anxiety pills. Yet I was told not to rely on meds and so I've been off meds for about a year, and my sleep is not getting any better. I dug down and found out why my sleep's been bothering me so much.


1. I am afraid of the dark. I know, I'm a bit too old for that, but I am

2. I hate that time between laying awake in bed and actually falling asleep. I feel that time's gone awastin' cuz I'm just lying in bed hoping to fall asleep while I can be surfing the net, catching up on my reading and my grey's anatomy, or writing my journal. But really I shouldn't be doing those things cuz it's usually already about 1 in the morning and I have to wake up at 7 the next day for work. So, I spend that time contemplating, planning, fretting, and thinking about things I usually don't have the time for. I love to think, it's my hobby, and I can't turn my mind off! The more I think, the more i'd be hitting the snooze button the next day.


I practice meditation (badly, obviously). Whenever I'm at the meditation center, I fall sound a sleep (really embarrassing), but when I meditate at home before bed, I'm wide awake. I tried all the internet tips - drinking warm milk, progressive relaxation, pretending that it's 7 in the morning and it's time to get up but I don't want to, visualizing being on a beach (which doesn't work because I'm scared of being in an open space by myself), but with no avail.


I was wondering if any of you have a similar experience and if you could give me a few pointers?


Thanks so much for reading all this

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do you have a set sleep-schedule? Meaning, do you get up at the same time every day? Getting up early and wearing yourself out throughout the day can help...


You say you're off meds...what about natural supplements? Melatonin helps a lot of people.

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my advice (and i used to be an insommniac too).


1. no caffiene after 3 pm.

2. get your TV and computer out of your bedroom.

3. the bed is only for sleeping and sex. don't do anything else there. you have to have your brain associate the bed with falling asleep. or sex.

4. take a warm bath or shower at night. increasing your core temperature 30 minutes before you sleep helps you fall asleep.

5. have a 'night time ritual.' ie, go to the bed at the same time every night, get some herbal tea, listen to some relaxing music, or write in your journal or read.

6. make your bedroom a quiet sanctuary. keep it clean, have some relaxing colors and decorations.

7. spray lavender on your sheets.


good luck

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do you have a set sleep-schedule? Meaning, do you get up at the same time every day? Getting up early and wearing yourself out throughout the day can help...


You say you're off meds...what about natural supplements? Melatonin helps a lot of people.


i don't have a strict sleep schedule, but i go to bed about the same, plus or minus an hour with exceptions on long weekends or when I'm out


melatonin... I've thought about it. Would you know if it's addictive?


Thanks so much for your advice

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my advice (and i used to be an insommniac too).


1. no caffiene after 3 pm.

2. get your TV and computer out of your bedroom.

3. the bed is only for sleeping and sex. don't do anything else there. you have to have your brain associate the bed with falling asleep. or sex.

4. take a warm bath or shower at night. increasing your core temperature 30 minutes before you sleep helps you fall asleep.

5. have a 'night time ritual.' ie, go to the bed at the same time every night, get some herbal tea, listen to some relaxing music, or write in your journal or read.

6. make your bedroom a quiet sanctuary. keep it clean, have some relaxing colors and decorations.

7. spray lavender on your sheets.


good luck


hrm... some great tips I've never used myself. Thanks!!

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i like having a fan in my room thats not to noisy but just right.

join the gym or go for a run.

i guess if you have your mind thinking about it every second its hard..

stick those glow in the dark stars and planets on your ceiling..

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