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negative thoughts eating my happiness

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They are just there in my head. I'm a positive person but a lot has happened over the past three years to really stamp that positiveness. I'm trying to be positive about things in general but there is stilll a voice in the back of my head sabotaging things and the more negative thoughts I have the more they actually happen in my real life to the extent its creepy-I am my own worst enemy. I don't understand its like I'm a masochist- i know these thoughts are bad and they will ruin things yet I still do it. Help!!! How do you stop this?

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What sort of negative thoughts do you have? Every time you have a negative thought, counter it and make a positive statement. You have to speak positively to yourself...even if you take out 15 minutes in your day and stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself. It seems weird, but little by little, it will help.


In short this time last year I had the most hellish time of my life and was very depressed about a lot of things-paticularly my appearance. This whole year I've been afraid that everything is going to repeat itself from last year and I'm constantly imagining this summer being a 10x worse 10x more painful repeat of last summer and the more I think about it the more it seems to be becoming a reality. I just want this to stop before it does become my reality. Okay I'm gonna go do that now and talk to myself lol.

And yeah easyguy I guess what triggers it is fear-i'm really afraid and I keep imagining worse case scenarios-its like mental torture.

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Practice being aware of what might be triggering it the moment the thought arises. This is certainly easier said than done, but it is a helpful process for understanding why we think what we think.


I agree with easyguy. I guess I will play the devil's advocate. I know that most of my problems I have been able to identify the root of the problem. The only challenge is knowing why you feel the way you do and still not being able to fix it.

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I know that it's hard to make them disappear completely but what you can try is spontaneous actions.Be around people that complement your appearance, have fun with them doing something new.Change of place, usual atmosphere should work.

Do whatever it takes to put your mind off analyzing yourself.I enjoy listening to music and dancing.

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Just whatever you do, never give up. Negative thoughts love to persist and all they need is a chance....don't give it to them. They never really go away, instead they'll fade to something so minute that they won't bother you anymore. Hope it helps

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