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lol. Yeah, I want a dog but I do not like little dogs and that is all I could have where I am staying now. I like big dogs, like Bermese Mountain dogs or at least a retriever.


And to chime in with some of the other posters here, I too have absolutely zero ability to get involved with anyone else at this time. I have so much work to do on myself first. There was an incident the other day at a bar I was at with some friends where I was being persued quite heavily by this girl. She had all of her friends come over and tell me that she was interested in me. Then she started hovering around me. Then she started striking up conversations. I felt really bad blowing her off but I just could not find it in myself to do more than flirt. I hate one night stands and am not in a place to have any form of relationship right now. It sucks because I have a strong craving for a partner.


As I have mentioned on here plenty, my usual modus operandi is to jump into another relationship soon after a breakup. It makes the pain go away but has denied me the chance to work on myself as an individual. I am taking a very long break from girlfriends so that I can get my life together and be happy being single. Of course, last time I tried this I found my current ex. So who knows.

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I'm sure you will be a massive help to people here I would love to get a dog but my mother wont allow it


Aww thank you. I know how you feel, my dad would never let us have any pets, my dog is kind of his replacement now....and the dog is much more caring...

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