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What does it mean when your ex contacts you after months of not talking?


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We dated for a little more than a year and a half before we broke up. It wasn't a bad breakup and nothing rude or mean was said, somehow or other we just drifted apart.


But that was about 3 months ago. Since then we maybe talked once a month, if even that for 5 minutes. But last week, out of the blue he called me just to talk. We ended up talking for 2 hours, ever since then, we've talked online and on the phone almost everyday. We haven't met in person and he didn't say that he wanted to meet me.


I'm just really confused about why he would contact me after not speaking to me for several months.


What do you think it means?? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but do you think there's a chance he'll want to get back together? Or maybe he just wants to be friends?

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Who initiated the break-up?


I would guess, and it is only a guess, that he is exploring the possibility of getting back together but is worried about rejection.


Try telling him that it would be nice to catch up face to face over coffee.

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I think I was the one who initiated it. I started to put distance between us when we started to talk less and less. I should have done more to make it work, but I pulled away instead. That was stupid of me.

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Maybe he realized that the green is not grasser on the other side. Some would say go ahead give him a chance. If I were you I would watch it, don't let him in so easily. Otherwise he may walk all over you. I think talking to him everyday is a bit much. Keep your options open do not run into a relationship that broke for a reason. If you weren't worth keeping in his life then why would you allow him to come back so easily? Hold on to your integrity. If he left you once he can do it easily again and the second time will be easier for him. Personally I think once a guy leaves then thats it. But I know I sometimes day dream of one of my ex's coming back - its sad, I think if he did though it would be the same issues, even though we had a good breakup there was a reason he left. Make sure you question this guys intentions.

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I think I was the one who initiated it. I started to put distance between us when we started to talk less and less. I should have done more to make it work, but I pulled away instead. That was stupid of me.

If you are the one who pulled away then it is up to you to be the one to make the first, and maybe even second, move to get back together.


Basically the dumper has the job of asking the dumpee to take them back.

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If you are the one who pulled away then it is up to you to be the one to make the first, and maybe even second, move to get back together.


Basically the dumper has the job of asking the dumpee to take them back.


But I don't want to get back together with him. I just wanted to know why he's talking to me all of a sudden. It seems kinda strange. I mean, you don't not talk to someone, then just suddenly start to.

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