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My First Christmas without Mom


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My Mom passed away in July after a 6 year battle with cancer. In late June she was doing pretty good, then on July 21, God wanted another angel with Him. It broke my heart to lose her but I knew that she wasn't in pain anymore and she could now rest. I'd been doing okay with her death until the last few weeks. Now, with Christmas 2 weeks away, she's been on my mind A LOT lately. I find myself grieving more for her now than when she passed away. I'm more depressed lately and find myself thinking more and more about her. I know they say the holidays are the toughest time when loved ones aren't around -- but this is so hard.

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My sympathies are there for you. I recorded my grandma's last Christmas a few years ago. It was hard to do that and I kept saying oh she will be here for the next one, but no it did not happen that way. My mom had surgery around the Christmas holidays one year. I understand somewhat from where you are coming from. I am a scrooge this year and can't wait to see the holidays gone. I am never like this, and I always love Christmas. I am sorry for your lose, and I hope you find something that puts a smile on your face instead of a frown. Good Luck, and remember she is still with you.

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The only thing that helped me was being with my friends. Friends are great and they can make you laugh and they'll try and make you stay positive even though times are tough. Your friends will pull you through this difficult time, and you'll realise that your not alone and that they are just as close and as special as your family.


Also..pray and speak to your mum...she can hear you...


Don't think this is the end...because i know 100% that you WILL see her again, it just might take a while. And she will be in heaven waiting for you. Your mum knows its hard..but she doesnt want you to feel lonley because you have so many people around you that love and care for you..and she is also around...but just in a different way.


Take care Hun



I know how hard it can be....if you want to chat.... email removed


Its also good to know that there are so many people in ur situation...or that have been in that situation. (me!)


and time does heal you...

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I'm really sorry. Christmas isn't going to be the same, and I can only imagine how tough it is and is going to be.


My best advice is to go do some good in the world in her name. At christmas time (and winter in general) there are a lot of needs that can be met. Charity work can help refocus...not forget, but make the holidays into a possitive thing.


if you need/want someone to talk to PM me.

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You know the day i lose my mum is the day i think i will want to end my life. I cant imagine the day she will leave my side. I decided not to kill myself a few years ago only because i simply couldnt imagine the tears coming in her eyes, let alone whatever extreme thing she would have gone on to do. She is quite simply the ONLY person i can really truly trust in this world.


I can not give any advice other then tell you you are a very strong person, and i will pray for you and anyone else in your situation. I dont think i would have even lasted this christmas if i was in your shoes. You are very strong i almost envy you. Good luck, we will always be here fotr you, as your friends and your guide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know how you feel. While this is not the first Christmas without my mom(she died 2 weeks before last year) it feels like it is. Last year at Christmas we also lost my grandfather, so my mind was in a million places at once.


All I can tell you, is all I can tell myself. Just let the feelings come. Don't hold them back, let them out as holding them back will only make things worse later on. If you're close with any family members, confide in them. Let them know what you are going through. Go to your friends, and make sure you explain to them that all you really want is a shoulder to cry on, because there really isn't anything anyone can say that will stop the pain. The fact that they are there to just listen to you, or to just let you cry will ease the pain more than you know.


Feel free to PM me. You and I will get through this, it's just not going to be so easy. *hugs*

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