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Need help to last longer....


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Currently dating a girl for about 6 months now and everything is going great. Everything in the relationship is going great expect for some of the bedroom stuff.


I pleasure her orally, with my fingers, and we have sex but I seem to only be able to last one session. I want to be able to last longer. I mean I have no problems getting it up but after I cum I can't get it hard again. I want to do it more then once and so does she. Does this happen to anybody else? Would rather not have to take any medications for this problem. Any advice would be great.

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Currently dating a girl for about 6 months now and everything is going great. Everything in the relationship is going great expect for some of the bedroom stuff.


I pleasure her orally, with my fingers, and we have sex but I seem to only be able to last one session. I want to be able to last longer. I mean I have no problems getting it up but after I cum I can't get it hard again. I want to do it more then once and so does she. Does this happen to anybody else? Would rather not have to take any medications for this problem. Any advice would be great.


We have what is called a refractory period in which we cannot ejaculate after previously doing so; it varies between guys but some require hours or even days before coming again. As far as just getting erect, that may be a different issue. Perhaps you are tired or it may simply be due to the natural variances in sexual drive between different people.

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Err... You shouldn't exactly feel bad that you only last once per session. Guys are pretty much hardwired that way. It's possibly that you could go more than once but those times, at least for me, are few and far between.


If you're still concerned, the only thing I could tell you is to keep from having an orgasm for a while, like, say, two days or something, and you might be able to cum twice. Or, you could simply cuddle and do foreplay stuff for a while afterward until you are ready again (and that may or may not happen, see above, and if it does, we're talking after at least a half hour or something unless you were exceptionally horny beforehand).

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Well it depends on what type of mood you are in. Sometimes I crash out right away, sometimes im ready after 15 minutes. It takes practice, and also mentally you have to stay in the mood. Putting pressure on yourself will not help. Relax and wait a bit, she can help too. Dont beat yourself up over it.

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how long are you lasting during your one session? you shouldnt worry about having to get it up again for a second session unless you're lasting a very short amount of time, in which case, yes, she probably will feel a little less fulfilled (but probably not unfulfilled). i recommend doing more for her after you go--like what insofar said above.

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is she upset by this? or is this all in your head?


She's not upset. She justs wants to do it more then just once. I mean I can last a good 10-15 minutes before cumming and we do a lot of foreplay. Maybe its all in my head, I just don't know. I want to do it again and we mess around doing other things but I just can't get back in the mood again.

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She's not upset. She justs wants to do it more then just once. I mean I can last a good 10-15 minutes before cumming and we do a lot of foreplay. Maybe its all in my head, I just don't know. I want to do it again and we mess around doing other things but I just can't get back in the mood again.


it is in your head. think of some really intense stuff that turns you on. you will be instantly ready.

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She's not upset. She justs wants to do it more then just once. I mean I can last a good 10-15 minutes before cumming and we do a lot of foreplay. Maybe its all in my head, I just don't know. I want to do it again and we mess around doing other things but I just can't get back in the mood again.


I was like this too and my ex couldn't do it. So he used to take care of me after he finished again and again and I was happy with that. it's really a turn on if you can do that again tho.

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The refractory period varies from each person. With me, if I go and pee, then without a little more thorough stimulation, I can get back in the game.


How soon after having sex are you trying to go again?



We cuddle for a little while and sometimes I would finger her. We have tried to wait about 20-30 minutes before trying again.

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