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Places to take a girl out.


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Hi I am 18 and I would like to know some of the good places to ask a girl out to for a 1st date?


This is the first time I am going to ask this girl out so I don't want to go OTT. One of my friends recently took his girl friend to the zoo and she said, well they both said they really enjoyed it, so I was thinking of taking her there but then I thought about it and it seemed a bit too much for a 1st date and all.


So I need some advice here before next week.


I cant really think of anything she likes, except shopping! ](*,) I Also thought maybe go out for a drink/lunch? Is that alright?


Also no one mention cinema/movies (I have reasons). And she dont like cofee. Thanks.


Edit: Its going to be a quick question too, I am going to ask her at the end of the day. I'll just talk to her for a minute or two and come out with it rather than chatting for ages and not asking, which is what I have done loads of times already.


So some words of confidence may be helpful.

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I'm telling ya, 86 the movies dinner..What you should be shooting for is being out of the ordinary, and memorable, plus you want to talk and get to know each other..


I suggest mini golf(its fun, you can make some funny moments, and it shows you like to have fun..Try that or bowling, maybe hunt down an air hockey game..


I say step out of the oridinary, be spontaneous.....

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I went on a first date on Wednesday. We met at a bar/cafe that had ping pong tables in the backyard. So, we played ping pong and chatted. It's a great way to focus on something other then the fact that you're on a first date.


My date told me before hand that she owned a ping pong table when she was growing up. I hadn't played in years and years. So, for whatever reason, she could not return my serve... ever. We talked and joked and laughed, but I could tell that her inability to return serve was still making her frown. So, when I would mix it up, and make it easier for her, she'd then complain that I was just humoring her and not even trying. It's one of those lose/lose things. It got to the point where if I legitimately missed a shot she'd shoot me a glare. It was mostly in good humor though... I think. Hmmmm.


Recommendation: Activity dates are always the best. Having a focus other then your partner is so key for puting both people at ease. After our ping pong date, we improvised and decided to add dinner. Fair enough since we were having a great time. We went to a middle eastern restaurant where they were having belly dancing, and I gave her dollar bills which she stuffed in the dancers skirt. Such a random date. Very fun.

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Recommendation: Activity dates are always the best. Having a focus other then your partner is so key for putting both people at ease. .


This was always my rule when i went on dates. I didn't want to sit accross from a person trying to find things to talk about. Maybe go to an ice cream parlour and for a walk...drive golf balls, go to the batting cages...hangout at a park...


Jettison...2nd date coming?

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Firstly thanks for the replies.


I'm telling ya, 86 the movies dinner..What you should be shooting for is being out of the ordinary, and memorable, plus you want to talk and get to know each other..


I suggest mini golf(its fun, you can make some funny moments, and it shows you like to have fun..Try that or bowling, maybe hunt down an air hockey game..


I say step out of the oridinary, be spontaneous.....

Thing is she isn't the most adventurous person on the planet, so I think (like the zoo idea) taking her miles for golf or dinner is pushing it too far (theres not alot close to where she lives). But bowling could be good I think, thanks for the idea.

My date told me before hand that she owned a ping pong table when she was growing up. I hadn't played in years and years. So, for whatever reason, she could not return my serve... ever. We talked and joked and laughed, but I could tell that her inability to return serve was still making her frown. So, when I would mix it up, and make it easier for her, she'd then complain that I was just humoring her and not even trying. It's one of those lose/lose things. It got to the point where if I legitimately missed a shot she'd shoot me a glare. It was mostly in good humor though... I think. Hmmmm.

Yeah I've been in a situation like that, its a classic.


Anymore ideas would be most appreciated.

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This was always my rule when i went on dates. I didn't want to sit accross from a person trying to find things to talk about. Maybe go to an ice cream parlour and for a walk...drive golf balls, go to the batting cages...hangout at a park...


Jettison...2nd date coming?


I haven't asked her yet, but I'm guessing that she'll say yes to a second date. I've also been dating another woman for a few months now, once or twice per week. So, I'm kind of feeling my way around this. We haven't had any exclusivity talks so I went on this date with the new woman. Hmmmm. Lots to think about.


What's your take on how I should handle that? I haven't told the new date that I'm dating someone else either. Truthfully, I've been such a serial monogomy kind of guy for so long now that I don't know how it's all done or what's proper. I'm attempting to use my common sense, and then questioning just how common sense is.

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This was always my rule when i went on dates. I didn't want to sit accross from a person trying to find things to talk about. Maybe go to an ice cream parlour and for a walk...drive golf balls, go to the batting cages...hangout at a park...


Jettison...2nd date coming?

The ice cream and taking a walk in a park sounds good, but how would I ask her that? "Hey xyz, do you want to go for some ice cream and a walk next week?"


Also something I should have said in the original post: Its going to be a quick question to, I am going to ask her at the end of the day. I'll just talk to her for a minute or two and come out with it rather than chatting for ages and not asking, which is what I have done loads of times already.


So some words of confidence may be needed.

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The ice cream and taking a walk in a park sounds good, but how would I ask her that? "Hey xyz, do you want to go for some ice cream and a walk next week?"


Also something I should have said in the original post: Its going to be a quick question to, I am going to ask her at the end of the day. I'll just talk to her for a minute or two and come out with it rather than chatting for ages and not asking, which is what I have done loads of times already.


So some words of confidence may be needed.


I would just say how about we go grab an ice cream cone next week and then you take her to a parlour close to a park and ask her if she wants to walk...


Words of confidence...you can do it LOL

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Go to like a cafe and then you could go for a nice walk.


What I am going to do for my girlfriend, for her birthday, which could work for a date, is take her out to this restaurant for lunch (around 1ish) then take her for a nice drive around 1hour away, and go for a nice walk there and grab some ice cream and have a good day.

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I would just say how about we go grab an ice cream cone next week and then you take her to a parlour close to a park and ask her if she wants to walk...


Words of confidence...you can do it LOL

It was going to well, I just thought I'm in the UK and we dont have many parlours here due to the terrible weather.


Go to like a cafe and then you could go for a nice walk.


What I am going to do for my girlfriend, for her birthday, which could work for a date, is take her out to this restaurant for lunch (around 1ish) then take her for a nice drive around 1hour away, and go for a nice walk there and grab some ice cream and have a good day.

That might be good, I was thinking about a drink/lunch anyway and I know a nice place to walk through, its a little far but I got a car

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My first date with my fiance was meeting up for coffee and walking around the shopping plaza area while talking and drinking.


Getting ice cream sounds like a good idea.. but i guess that depends on the weather/part of the country you are in.


Whatever the date, try to keep it only a few hours long. You want them to go home wanting more. Good Luck!

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It was going to well, I just thought I'm in the UK and we dont have many parlours here due to the terrible weather.



ah well that might be difficult then! hmmm do you have an aquarium? i think that is a wicked 1st date!!!

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The best dates are ones that aren't meticulously planned. Have a general idea of some things you'd like to do and see which ones you end up doing. It's good, though, to have at least one definite activity so that you have something to ask the girl, so you can go, "hey, want to do X next week?" rather than "hey, want to hang out next week?" The former is much more acceptable and palatable to the mind than the latter, which is rather intimidating because it leaves the doing to the imagination.

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The best dates are ones that aren't meticulously planned. Have a general idea of some things you'd like to do and see which ones you end up doing.

Really, anyone else think this too?


It's good, though, to have at least one definite activity so that you have something to ask the girl, so you can go, "hey, want to do X next week?" rather than "hey, want to hang out next week?" The former is much more acceptable and palatable to the mind than the latter, which is rather intimidating because it leaves the doing to the imagination.

Well I was thinking along those lines too, like doing something light and easy, like go for a drink or lunch and then when I'm there I can think of something else for us to do after, I find it easier this way. And because she has been with me for maybe an hour or so, so far, it will be better then to do something more extravagent, like the things mentioned in the thread, I find it hard to say these things straight up to a girl for a 1st date.

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I'm in the more planning is better camp, nothing like that movie "Hitch" though. Do you live in a city, or more rural area? If a city, there's a website with cool goings on in your area, find it and bookmark it. The local paper may have a weekly events guide, usually around Thursday.


Offbeat art or culture stuff can be really fun, colleges usually have some interesting things going on. If you can combine something mildly active with something cultural or offbeat in the area, more the better. The very best dates I've had are ones that get both of us out of our comfort zone without being too off the wall or zany. With you totally on dinner/movie being bad. Save that for times when you are already dating and want to be lazy, not for getting to know.

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