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Hello again, friends! I'm back, but this time I've got a positive story. I would hate to be cliche (accent on the E) by talking about yet another girl I'm attracted to and ask for more advice on dating and flirting and all of that jazz...


So there's this girl. We have British Literature together. I've been trying to talk to her the entire semester, and I finally worked up the courage to approach her (and her friend). Today was the last day of class!


We exchanged MySpaces. We sat and talked for an hour or so. We had good conversation. We have a few things in common so far. She's hard to read though. It's hard to tell when she's being serious or sarcastic, and even harder to read when it comes to flirting.



This is what she has under her "Who I'd Like To Meet" section:


someone to call mine, who doesn't take everything so seriously, and will indulge in unhealthy eating habits with me.


What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction.


I know she's looking. She obviously hasn't found anybody worth her time. This is just feeding into the whole "I jump into things head first and try to rush things" part of my brain. I'm such a loser.


Positive time!


She's very attractive--very beautiful. She has this smile that could melt the old Berlin wall. We have a lot in common so far and this really excites me.


How do I keep a low-pro? I'm trying to keep calm and be cool but I'm such a hopeless romantic. I always lose my head.


Por que?

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What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction


Buy her a copy of "Wuthering Heights." In the jacket write, "I wanted to try to give you what you have asked for (and insert the myspace quote from above here)... then I read this book, and am wondering, instead of ending up like Heathcliff and Cathy right off the bat, can we just start off with dinner and a movie?"


cheers, scottorrzz


She may not go out with you (probably will though), but I can guarantee, she will remember you for the rest of her life.

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Results may vary; don't actually do the "dinner and a movie," very boring, commonplace first date... it just fits the device nicely.


The general idea can be applied to all sorts of flirting going forward: 1. find out what is important to her, 2. put your own unique spin on it involving things you have in common if possible, 3. tease her some, 4. close for the date/phone number/kiss, etc.


It doesn't work every time, but when it does, the results are worth it.

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