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The Girl I'm going on a 2nd Date with tomorrow is going out of town from May 9th to May18th


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So I wanted to know how to I deal with this situation after she leaves? I know to call her before she leaves but what do I do once she is gone?


Do I just wait until she comes back before I call her?



I had this situation before and didn't call her at all until she returned. She was gone 5 days instead of 9

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I guess it depends on where she is going and whether or not her cell phone will be on. I don't know too much about cell phone plans (I have Pay as You Go) but it could be costly if you call her wherever she is going. When you see her tomorrow, see how things go and then ask her if she would like you to call while she is away.

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I agree with this. Or, shoot her an e-mail and just say "hi, hope you're having a good vacation - I am e-mailing because I just wanted to say hi without disturbing you - I look forward to seeing you when you return"

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I agree with this. Or, shoot her an e-mail and just say "hi, hope you're having a good vacation - I am e-mailing because I just wanted to say hi without disturbing you - I look forward to seeing you when you return"


Email is also a good idea...and cheaper than a long distance phone call.

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omg, i think dating games are- sorry, for lack of a better, more PC term- retarded. not that this is totally a "game," but, i mean, why not just say- hey, you want me to call you while you're gone or not? ha. that's what i'd want a guy to say! and then you'll know! i don't mean to pick on you, b/c maybe i'm the crazy one and i think 90% of the population does it like you, but why are people so worried about saying what they're thinking in the beginning?

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omg, i think dating games are- sorry, for lack of a better, more PC term- retarded. not that this is totally a "game," but, i mean, why not just say- hey, you want me to call you while you're gone or not? ha. that's what i'd want a guy to say! and then you'll know! i don't mean to pick on you, b/c maybe i'm the crazy one and i think 90% of the population does it like you, but why are people so worried about saying what they're thinking in the beginning?




Well in my case, I have a long history of saying something dumb

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Well in my case, I have a long history of saying something dumb


LOL. You are improving though! You got to date #2...and you wowed her with your tie! Enjoy your date and find out if she will be able to access her email while she is away. These little "keep in touch efforts" even while away go a long way to wooing someone...much better than waiting until she gets back.

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i agree with sending a 'hey - how's it going - looking forward to meeting up when you return' email. i think that's showing interest without being too pushy.


Another vote for this approach. IMO after 2 dates, you don't really have to talk while she is gone. It's just over a week - not much more of an interval than you might have between dates anyway.


I hope your date goes well!

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I would figure out where she is staying and call at 6AM every morning shouting, "Hey it's CD with your wakeup call! Thinking of YOU Rise and Shine!!"


Seriously, email sounds fine, only one though. If you want to flirt at lunch, give her your mailing address and tell her you like cheezy, funny postcards. She might just send you one. Good luck with lunch tomorrow.

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