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ive been thinking

i dont think college is really for me i mean i've never been successful when it came to school. just recently i started getting B's and C's ever since kindergarten ive had bad grades. i mean yeah i'm still gonna consider CC.

but i dont think i want to go any further. i just dont know how to tell my parents/ theyve been talking to me a lot lately about college and its overwhelming...its not what i want. they told me i can do what i want but gave me a guilt trip and said "yeah but you need to go to college these days"

ahh i dont know how to tell them

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It's good your parents said you can do what you want and are not telling you that you need to go to college. It's pretty much true that you do need to go to college these days though. Give CC a try, you may find out that you like it and want to pursue more. Don't give up just yet!!!

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Trade school. The one I'm going to I'll be focusing 2 years on what I want to do and no math or science or icky stuff.


I never really liked college, don't want to be in it, thinking its a waste of time. etc.


But what are you going to do? Try to model?

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Careful there, young man. Your talking to a teacher who has a minor in science;-) You should do what you really want as long as you can support yourself. College will always be there. Who knows? You may even get to like icky math and science!

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You may even get to like icky math and science!


Hated these two subjects more than anything when I was a kid. I had horrible grades in them, and I took the min. amount of classes to get by. I developed an interest in them my junior year of college, and math & science are probably my fav. classes, plus my work is mostly math related.


I still can't explain how that one happened.

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Me too! I was sooo bad at both until I got into high school where I learned to tolerat math. In college I fell in love with science! Now, math and science are two of my favorite subjects to teach, though my credential is in History.

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ive been thinking

i dont think college is really for me i mean i've never been successful when it came to school. just recently i started getting B's and C's ever since kindergarten ive had bad grades. i mean yeah i'm still gonna consider CC.

but i dont think i want to go any further. i just dont know how to tell my parents/ theyve been talking to me a lot lately about college and its overwhelming...its not what i want. they told me i can do what i want but gave me a guilt trip and said "yeah but you need to go to college these days"

ahh i dont know how to tell them


I was in the same boat and still am. I never really got the grades I deserved. I would always bomb test or get lower then I should be getting. My teachers knew that I was learning the stuff cause they would see the quality of my projects but I lacked the marks on the tests. I'd get some A's every now and then, besides tech and auto class.


I remember elementary school I mostly got C's and B's, some D's. High school came by and I was getting one or two B's, mostly C's and D's for my report card mark. My assignments were usually B's if not a A's which was rare.


My parents told me I can do what ever I want with my life. When I told them I don't want to go anywhere cause I feel like a failure and that there is no point for me and that I'm worthless, they got pissed off and made me apply. Am I happy, yes and no. Am I getting the grades I deserve now, yea I am.


I have to say give it a try. I am happy that they forced me, well somewhat. Find something that you like to do and go. College is way easier then high school, at least for me. It might sound like a waste of time but its not, education is never a waste of time as long as you enjoy it.


Have you ever considered a trade like hair dressing? Not the best money but if you work for someone and then after a few years open your own salon and have your customers; as well as, renting out space to other hair dressers you could make a good buck.


It'll be better then working as a cashier (example) for the rest of your life, and when you have kids they will be proud of their mom for being someone not just the girl who did nothing after high school and just became a cashier.


The sky is the limit, don't limit yourself to the ground.

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Sometimes people aren't ready for college right out of high school.

There are a lot of kids who go to college straight out of high school who then flunk out because they're just too young to be motivated to do the work and go to class.

It might be good for you to just work for a year or so and get a chance to mature more before you attempt college.

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