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new update..please tell me what to do!!!!


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so, some of you read my posts last week about the girl that just stopped talking to me..here is the link..



The last contact I had from her was the email that said she had been sick and gave me her number. I have sent her one text and left her one message since then. That was almost two weeks ago. I have not heard anything from her and have written the relationship off as much as it bothers me. The thing is, friends and I are supposed to go out tomorrow night to the bar that she works at. I don't want to come off as a stalker! LOL. I don't want her to think that she is the reason I am going in there. But why should I avoid a place that I have been going to for years and have many friends at, just because she is working. My question is, should I go? and should I say anything to her or ignore her (which i am good at). I think it will be her that is more uncomfortable than me..which is fine with me..part of me wants her to be uncomfortable for the way she has treated me. I guess I am curious to see what happens, if she comes up to me or not...what is everyonges thoughts...please tell me!


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Since you are going to be with a group of friends, I do NOT think it's weird that you go. What the hell...you shouldn't have to avoid a bar forever just because SHE works there. I wouldn't necessarily ignore her. I would be very polite, but not overly friendly. Just act indifferent towards her...and make SURE TO LOOK LIKE YOU ARE HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR FRIENDS SO SHE WILL EAT HER HEART OUT!


Don't "pout" or she will think "she won"...


Just be your fun self...let her see what a great guy she missed out on!


Too bad for her!


I say go and flaunt your stuff in front of her!


Why not?



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Since you are going to be with a group of friends, I do NOT think it's weird that you go. What the hell...you shouldn't have to avoid a bar forever just because SHE works there. I wouldn't necessarily ignore her. I would be very polite, but not overly friendly. Just act indifferent towards her...and make SURE TO LOOK LIKE YOU ARE HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR FRIENDS SO SHE WILL EAT HER HEART OUT!


Don't "pout" or she will think "she won"...


Just be your fun self...let her see what a great guy she missed out on!


Too bad for her!


I say go and flaunt your stuff in front of her!


Why not?



I agree with Allie.


And don't act either too friendly or unfriendly - she may have had a good reason.

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Thanks guys..I think i might just go in there...screw her..I can ignore someone just as easily as she has. Not to mention, there are TONS of hot girls that work in this place and they all know me and love me.

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Thanks guys..I think i might just go in there...screw her..I can ignore someone just as easily as she has. Not to mention, there are TONS of hot girls that work in this place and they all know me and love me.


Sounds like hooters, where they all know you and love you as long as you tip well. =p

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