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Make a go or no...


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My question hinges on a woman I've known for about 2 and a half years now pretty much just as an acquiantance thus far. The background info is as follows:


We both played in the same sports league starting from Sept 2005 to April 2007. Up until April 2007, she was in a relationship, but was ready to jump ship to me. However, due to various circumstances, I essentially rejected her -- though not officially, I just refused her advancements. After that, we hadn't seen each other for 8 months or so(until February 2008 ). Upon which, we had crossed paths again.


Fast forwarding slightly to the past few weeks now. She added me on Facebook last month (April), but with final exams for both of us (we're students at the same Uni), I just added her and wished her good luck in her final exams. However, now that exams are done, I invited her out to same activity as above mentioned sports league and she accepted. We exchange numbers and set a "date" together and had a decent time together. Everything's fine in the story except one small issue -- again.


She's got a "boyfriend" again!! With that being the case, why would she accept my invitation and be just as flirtatious as ever with me!?!?! Granted, I confess I did know in advance that she has a "boyfriend", but he's just a high-schooler -- again!! (Yes, her ex last year was a high-schooler too!) Now, she's 25 now and dating an 18 year old punk....AGAIN!! * * * ?


Okay, now that the bad's mentioned, let's mention the goods: on many facets, there is compatibility. First off we both play the same game (sports league above), second we're both intellectually sound (both BA Economics students, her Economics/Psychology, me Econ/Maths), third, we've always been flirtatious together.


Hopefully this all makes sense. But I'm hoping to get input as to whether I should even bother with her still?! Obviously, her flings with young things is a major red flag...But on the other hand...!


Anyway, thanks to anyone who responds. And FYI, I'm leaning towards finding greener pastures.

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I suppose I can see that being the case...Considering she was in a relationship at that time and again this time, I naturally kept my distance knowing this information, which could be interpreted as not being interested. However, there really is only one way to know for sure...


I'll set up one more "date" and be more assertive indicating my willingness to make a go with her. However, I'll leave the ball in her court and have her contact me if/when she wants to...Does this sound reasonable? That way, she can take as much time to break it off with Mr. High School etc. etc...


In any case, I'll keep looking elsewhere too since I'm really not going to put much stock with her making a move.

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Hmmm! Female response says go for it and male response says don't do it man!


ghost69, I take it you're thinking along the same lines as I am. That is, I am just going to get played. My gut instincts are telling me that anyway...Male intuitions perhaps?


More input would be handy!

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Hmmm! Female response says go for it and male response says don't do it man!


ghost69, I take it you're thinking along the same lines as I am. That is, I am just going to get played. My gut instincts are telling me that anyway...Male intuitions perhaps?


More input would be handy!


you aren't being played but your emotions might be. any girl i was interested in that was involved has been no contact for me. come around when you are in a 'single' situation. it helps keep life less complicated.

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However, due to various circumstances, I essentially rejected her -- though not officially, I just refused her advancements. After that, we hadn't seen each other for 8 months or so(until February 2008 ). Upon which, we had crossed paths again.


She's got a "boyfriend" again!! With that being the case, why would she accept my invitation and be just as flirtatious as ever with me!?!?! Granted, I confess I did know in advance that she has a "boyfriend", but he's just a high-schooler -- again!! (Yes, her ex last year was a high-schooler too!) Now, she's 25 now and dating an 18 year old punk....AGAIN!! * * * ?



Hopefully this all makes sense. But I'm hoping to get input as to whether I should even bother with her still?!


Erm, you rejected her, not the other way round, she must still like you to even consider seeing you again...


I suppose I can see that being the case...Considering she was in a relationship at that time and again this time, I naturally kept my distance knowing this information, which could be interpreted as not being interested. However, there really is only one way to know for sure...


Hmm so from the female viewpoint, she likes you, you reject her, you ask her out, she still likes you, and you act like a cold fish.


And you wonder why shes not the one making the move !!.


Tell her how you feel, it will all come good...

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just tell her that you are interested in her but the fact she has a boyfriend, that you do not feel it is right. Give the example if you and her were dating and she did the same thing. That in itself is a red flag. In my opinion about her dating high school kids is that she is not ready to face growing up and her age so she is clinging onto someone younger to make her feel younger. Mental issues man.. becareful.

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Hmm. Broken*hearted, I don't think there's any question that she's still interested. Now me being a cold-fish? lol! Actually, now that I think about it, I did act like one. She made it fairly clear in our last encounter that she'd be willing to jump ship again...


Drewcious, I'm well aware of the signs of major mental issues. Not that I'm being judgemental on them seeing as I'm a headcase myself...


Now with all that being said, maybe we should place some wagers and see if ghost69 is right. If I call, I'll likely have to leave a message...Does she give me the cold treatment or do we meet again....Hmmm!! Any takers???

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