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no college career for me

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i know you said you tried real hard. but what were the significant differences in the things you did to prepare EACH time you took the exam?? you cant expect to do the same things and get different results.


you shouldn't really have to study more , just more effectively. try taking one of those test prep classes or practicing on tons of practice exams? did you do these things for one of the four times you took the exam? i think you just need to look at your scores and the exam and change the way youre preparing for it. that is, if you really want to go to college - good luck though

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Go to a community college for a year or two and get amazing grades, then transfer to a 4-year university. I am a student intern in the admissions office of a top 30 school, and we don't look at SAT or ACT scores for our transfer students. There is hope for you!

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