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no college career for me

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ive been asking my parents for years if i can gettested for ADD or for a learning dissability because i know something is wrong

their like "oh well your just not disiplined enough"

im like no i do try really hard and it's still not good enough


can you go through your school or get tested next time you are at a doctor's office for a checkup?

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College isn't for everyone. Not sure what course of study requires ACT scores, but there are certainly paths for people who want to go to college but don't have the scores/acceptance. Community College doesn't reject anyone. Might be just what you need. I got my AAS from a technical school, then finished my BS online with another school. I had to take an aptitude test for the technical school, but I would have been accepted regardless.

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Go see a counseller and tell them this. I had friends in university with learning disabilities who did really well. Universities actually have all sorts of resources and special allowances for them.

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College isn't for everyone. Not sure what course of study requires ACT scores, but there are certainly paths for people who want to go to college but don't have the scores/acceptance. Community College doesn't reject anyone. Might be just what you need. I got my AAS from a technical school, then finished my BS online with another school. I had to take an aptitude test for the technical school, but I would have been accepted regardless.


Just to let you know, ACT is a test in the midwest that is required by most colleges. It's a real pain. I took it every year since 7th grade for "practice" because my mother freaked about it. The SAT has been proven to be far better.

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Like CarnelianButterfly asked...you may want to get tested if you haven't already. I have a learning disability in math and I've struggled only to wind up with barely Cs in any math class I've taken...and that's with working my butt off. My ACT scores were low, but I kept taking them until I got a decent score...each time, my math was brining me down hard as I had very high scores in the other.


If you are absolutely sure you cannot do any better, then like debaser_wolf suggested, try a community college. At least here, I know you can take a semester or two there and that overrides having an ACT or SAT requirement because you've shown you can already do college-level work.


(Sorry I repeated a lot of things already mentioned! Gosh, you people respond fast! )


Also, never say that you could never survive a university! I actually see college level work as easier than the work in high school. You're given a lot more freedom and can also receive a lot more help!

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Like CarnelianButterfly asked...you may want to get tested if you haven't already. I have a learning disability in math and I've struggled only to wind up with barely Cs in any math class I've taken...and that's with working my butt off. My ACT scores were low, but I kept taking them until I got a decent score...each time, my math was brining me down hard as I had very high scores in the other.


If you are absolutely sure you cannot do any better, then like debaser_wolf suggested, try a community college. At least here, I know you can take a semester or two there and that overrides having an ACT or SAT requirement because you've shown you can already do college-level work.


This is very true. After a year or two at a community college and a good GPA to prove your worth, colleges will probably accept you. Community colleges are often looked down upon but studies have shown that this is usually a false misconception.


Btw, ACT and SAT aren't good at measuring actual intelligence, so, don't let it get you down. A score from one test does not define you!

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yea community college is prolly my best bet

i could nvr survive a university


Again, I don't know what it is that you wanna do, but community college is nothing to laugh at. Nurses at our local CC laugh all the way to the bank when they come out making about $50k base salary after 15-24 months. A BS/BA grad with a degree in finance often starts out in the mid $30k's around here. Hell, I'm a computer programmer and I started out at low $20ks while nurses were starting in the $40k range 10 years ago.

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Meh, test scores are overrated.


Did you know that MLK tested in something like the bottom 10% in math and reading for the GRE?


Did you also know that a surprising number of successful business owners have nothing more than a high school education?


It's true that the salary difference between having a college degree vs a high school is something to consider, but college degree's aren't everything. A coworker's son graduated with a BA in Business, and is barely pulling down 25k a year.


CC is a good choice, but I do caution you that from my experience, CC was very similar to highschool. If it was hard to be in a highschool setting and be successful you may find the same problems at CC.


You mentioned you wanted to get into journalism. You may consider taking courses at your CC, but also trying to start your own blog. I do know many individuals have broken into the journalism field starting out as amateur writers. Or even better, many bloggers have made a good career thanks to online advertising revenue.


I wouldn't worry too much about your test scores. They say little about you.

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