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should i get a boob job?


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it's a hard life eh Raykay!!!


we flat girls don't like you small petite big chested girls flaunting it all over the place LOL...


I am also flat chested...severely! and i will one up you all and say I have a really big rib cage...it's weird can't explain it...but the combination has been my BIGGEST insecurity for sure.

I have over time become more comfortable with my body it comes and goes-I just had a thread called They're Gone dedicated to this topic.

I have chosen to embrace who I am. I still consider implants off and on...but in general for me its more important to stay true to who i am and implants to me tell everyone i am not comfortable with who i am.

For the most part I really like my body, i am athletic, taller than average and i have a great butt and nice legs...so when i get down on my boobs i praise my butt LOL...Oh and i have never had trouble with guys wanting me...i don't get naked and they run for the hills because of my flat chest. Most guys don't care and the ones who do have watched too many Jenna Jameson flicks!

Do what's right for you but like the other posters said make sure its for YOU and no one else!

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Before you get plastic surgery, are you looking your best otherwise and in great shape? If not, do that first, through diet and exercise, then decide. In other words, do everything else possible to boost your self image before resorting to cosmetic surgery. Improving your appearance naturally should be the first step. Many women who are athletic and in great shape have very small breasts, but it doesn't seem to affect their self esteem or ability to have a social life.


Some guys, self included, may actually consider artificial breasts a turn-off or red flag unless the need for them is extreme.

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ghost... 'some women do need boob jobs' -- that statement is really shallow. No real man would ever make a comment like that. What gives you the right to judge a naturally flat-chested woman? How would you like it if women went around thinking every other guy needed a penis job?


Women can be flat chested and still beautiful. Take Kate Hudson and Rachel McAdams for instance.


To the original poster, I don't think you should get a boob job because a person that truly loves you, will love you for who you are...not the fake version.

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ghost... 'some women do need boob jobs' -- that statement is really shallow. No real man would ever make a comment like that. What gives you the right to judge a naturally flat-chested woman? How would you like it if women went around thinking every other guy needed a penis job?


Women can be flat chested and still beautiful. Take Kate Hudson and Rachel McAdams for instance.


To the original poster, I don't think you should get a boob job because a person that truly loves you, will love you for who you are...not the fake version.


some guys probably DO need a penis job. some women will even tell you they do need a boob job. shallow? absolutely not. some girls needs that extra piece of confidence.


and before you blast ghost here, i DID say flat chested women are hot too. i like the selective quoting though.

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Normally I'd say no way! But it sounds like you are doing it for the right reasons (although doing it for 'men' in general is the wrong reason!)


If you do have them done, since you have a small frame, I wouldn't go above a B (I'm assuming you have a A cup).


Let us know what you decide!

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I object to boob jobs due to the health issues involved. People don't realize what a large proportion of women have negative side effects, multiple surgeries, then in the end have them taken out leaving their breasts looking like deflated balloons.


You need to do some serious research before you consider it seriously. First, people don't realize that they are not permanent. You'll need new ones (and the surgery) every 7 to 10 years for the rest of your life. They wear out, and can make horrendous scar tissue that needs surgery to repair. You can develop serious auto-immune disorders. They can leak and cause all kinds of problems. They can prevent breast feeding. They can lead to numbness and no feeling in your breasts. They make detection of breast cancer much more difficult.


So if you want a lifetime of repeated surgeries and a high chance of serious side effects, go ahead. Many women are pleased with them for awhile, but pay a high price financially and physically for them. It is far better to work on your self esteem and recognize being a woman is so much more than having big boobs. Don't buy the Hollywood and marketing hype.


Why not get some 'chicken cutlet' inserts to put into your bra? That's a trick that lots of women who don't want surgery use in Hollywood to make their breasts appear larger without resorting to surgery. Costs $25, and no surgery either.

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I'm the same age as you are, and had the same mixed feelings about my chest. As a little kid, I imagined that when I'd get older I would have a curvy, womanly figure, so imagine my disappointment when puberty came and went, and seemed to forget me! Implants were out of the question, so I turned to herbs instead. I found a breast enlargement support group online, researched herbs, and began my program. I slowly grew two cup sizes, from a B to a D, and to be honest, it did not change my world. I did not start receiving more attention from men, or be treated differently by both sexes. The setback was having to buy new bras, swimsuits, and struggling to fit into shirts that were designed for smaller-breasted women. Looking back at it now, I like my smaller breasts as much as my bigger chest, but back then, I did not know how to feel good about them.


If you are going to get implants, you have to accept that it might not make you feel differently about yourself, and you might not start getting more attention from guys and more boyfriends. If you do get them, make sure it is what you want. Ask yourself this: if getting implants means never getting a boyfriend, would you still want them? If you say yes, then you are doing this for yourself, but if you say no, then what you really want is not breasts but attention from the opposite sex, and breast implants are not needed to improve that.

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First off do this for yourself and your selfesteem and nobody else. secondly, Im an ass man and i know alot of men out there are, if you have a nice booty on that small frame thats a plus but i did have a friend that was about 5'0" with a tiny fram and killer booty but no boobs. she went and got a boob job and now she is even more smokin. she didnt go too over board neither, just enough for things to be even. Go for it!

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First of all, there is no such thing as having "no boobs". Every female has them unless they are surgically removed. Some are smaller than others, some are bigger than others. Different men like different sizes. The reason many younger females get surgery is because they succumb to what they think is societies ideal. What they don't realise is that societys' ideal is actually the medias ideal. Relying on the media's idea of attractive is not a good idea but it's what a huge amount of people do.


Also, the ones that are so insecure about their chest size tend to focus on the people that have what they think they want instead of looking at the whole of society. Look at Keira Knightly, Mischa Barton, Kate Moss and so......They all have smaller chests but are all considered pretty stunning.


If you're doing it for you, think really hard about WHY you're doing it for you and think really hard about how you've come to that conclusion.

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I'm small chested, and it used to really bother me in high school, when my male classmates were all about boobs. Now, I am happy that I don't have large breasts. I have never had a problem snagging a guy I want to get to know better and have dated some very handsome, successful men. I'm not supermodel material at all, just happy with myself and I think men can see that. Confidence is sexy. Trust me, men are not as boob-obsessed as you might think. There are so many more things about women that men find irresistible. I think you should stick with what you've got and learn to love yourself no matter what... but in the event that you choose implants, be sure to do your homework! As BeStrongBeHappy said, there are many, many women who've had major issues and wound up with breasts that look awful, or worse, health problems.

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Please think this over very carefully. It's an extremely painful surgery, and for what? So you can attract a guy who wouldn't have been attracted to the real you?


I have B-cups, but I'm a petite woman, so they are almost overwhelming. I have trouble buying shirts and dread the inevitable sagging.


Also, many of my most attractive friends are the tall, skinny, small-breasted types. Everything they buy looks great on them, and they have no trouble attracting guys.


I hope you decide against this.

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what were the herbs?? lol...


I'm curious!


I've always had small breasts. I get lots of comments about my bootie, my partners have always given me good feedback on it, even though I always feel like it is too big and wish I could get rid of cellulite (which I've had as long as I can remember-- and has nothing to do with how much I exercise contrary to popular belief). So yeah, I can knock myself. I do wear a slightly padded bra, just to look a little more proportioned. It's been a long process to slowly start loving myself. One boob is bigger than the other as well, so that doesn't help!! Nonetheless, guys pick up on me, though I have yet to find one I like. In the end of the day, we do live in a society that can be harsh for those of us that have bodies different from the "body beautiful" it proclaims. Paying attention and giving it credence does only bring pain... I still try to increase my self love, it can be hard... hate being in bathing suits, I don't want anyone else to see my "flaws".

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Sweetie you have a lot more forming to do. You are still so young and your body is going to go through more changes including when you have children as well. Don't think for a second that "this is it". I was there right with you and let me tell you...out of experience from someone who was a late bloomer. Wait! There will be moments where you will see smaller breasts than your own and will admire their look compared to your own once yours change. Remember, natural is beautiful. You don't want breast skin thats pulled so tight that they look like they're in pain all the time either.

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Stay natural. Imagine if you actually got the boob job and then you meet the man of your dreams...and he prefers small breasted women. Don't let the popular media and hollywood stereotypes fool you. For as many shapes and sizes of people there are out there, there are just as many preferences.


Speaking for myself, if I like a girl, her breast size is completely irrelevant. However, the reverse is not true - breast size has never caused me to become attracted to a girl I wasn't attracted to to begin with.

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If it helps any, my little sister wore a 28 AAA until she was about 28. She is now 32 and wears an Acup and has a booty now. She hasn't had kids or anything yet. Your body very well might change.


The question I would ask yourself is. Are you considering this because you think guys want girls with boobs and you want to give that to them? OR is it because you are allowing you lack of breasts to keep you from being confident.


Do a test. Test out some bigger boobs for a day, does it make you feel better about yourself?


Can you find confidence without larger breasts? Confidence means more to most men than boobs.

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