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should i get a boob job?


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i am 23 and have what i would basically describe as a pre-pubsescent chest: practically flat. i have been worrying about this since i was 14- it is still just as flat now as it was then.

i am 5'4, size 8 with a little frame, people do tell me i have a pretty face. i am so self conscious though about my flat chest. the only person ihave talked to about this, my mother, tells me to get over it and that it is not important- but i don't think this is a realisitc view of our society. whatsmore i have only had one boyfriend who wasn't even serious, for a couple of months, surely this can't be a coincidence.

my problem is that even though my chest is such an issue for me, i am in constant debate whehter or not surgery is the answer- somedays i think definitely yes, others no. my main concern is complications, or if they were to look awful- go hard or something, and of course the pain. on the other hand, it could give me a sense of confidence that would make my life so much more enjoyable, wearing clothes well and not worrying what guys (which scares me away from relationships), or girls for that matter, might be thinking when they see my flat chest in a bikini or in my underwear.

i would really appreciate peoples thoughts as to what they would do in my situation. thanks

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I vote no. One of my buddy's wives just got a boob job, and she's about the same size as you (real petite).. and it's NOT hot. She looks so fake. You shouldn't have to worry about attracting guys with bigger boobs, alot of guys (including me) love flat chests. If a guy only wants to date you because he is staring at your breasts.. then what are the chances that he's really going to like YOU for YOU? I'm 24 and have only had one not-really-serious couple month high school relationship too, but I'm not wanting a boob job. A sense of confidence from somebody who likes you for YOU totally outweighs the confidence you get from having guys stare at your headlights as you walk by.

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well i would only get fairly small/natural ones to suit my frame- so i don't think they would be big enough to attract the type of guy who is only with a girl for her breasts... i'm more worried that with my chest the way it is at the moment, lots of guys will find it a turn off

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Some guys like boobs, some guys don't. Some guys like fatties, some guys don't, some guys like giraffes, some guys don't..................starting to see a picture here?


A boob Job should have nothing to do with what you think other people will want.


It should have everything to do with what YOU want. How it makes YOU feel.


I am not against implants per se, but just make sure you are doing it for yourself.



EDIT: And for the record, i have had long term relationships with girls that have had no breasts, and ones that have had large breasts. Didn't make any difference to me, i rarely talked to their boobs anyway.

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if she goes for something like a C-cup, on a small frame that's more than enough.

if you truly feel that it will make you happier and more confident - do it.

thing is, I get the feeling from this post that you're feeling pressured into doing soemthign about it by society.

How about you look yourself in the mirror and say "i am what i am" and try living life without hesitation - and see if that solves your mini-crisis.


Boobs aren't everything. I'd prefer a pretty face personally.

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that's true... of course i'd rather not have one, but i can't help but feel to look good in clothes and to ever be considered 'hot' a girl needs breasts... i felt this at 14, and still do now... have often tried to just accept myself- but it's like it's always there at the back of my mind- and if i do ever get close with a guy i dread the thought of him seeing me bra-less...

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There is no plastic surgery that can give a woman a small petite little body and frame like you have and I know of many girls that would love to be your size. Embrace it.


Petite and small chest turns me on. I wouldn't have a problem. There are a whole world of bad boob jobs out there that make a girl look ridiculous and they are so obviously fake. Take the shirt off and they look even worse. Be careful and get the best doctor you can if you decide to.

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"Hot" is a subjective term. I'm not a man, but I have a feeling most of them are likely to appreciate a fit, healthy body, nice face, and nice/fun personality more than they appreciate boobs a la carte.


You hit the nail on the head.

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my gf is a UK size 16-18 and she cries about going shopping because Top Shop and all these other 'good' branded stores don't do her sizes, or that they're a 'small 16'. I tell her, it doesn't matter if a top comes from Primark, as long as she feels good in it that's all that matters.


I'd imagine it's a similar thing for flat chested girls.... I bet you feel like "you can't wear this because you have no chest" etc.... whereas my gf has the opposite problem where she can't wear strapless things because her boobs are so big. It's all tradeffs but I'll guarantee one thing:


A physically fit body and a pretty face is a MUCH bigger turn on to the majority of men than breasts. Everyone wears cothes that suit their figure, I agree with your mum - deal with it and raise your confidence in other ways. I'm not sure surgery is the right option for you.


Another thing - there's a LOT of men who prefer small breasts, so here's a thought. Stop pretending you have boobs. Stop wearing chicken fillets. Stop wearing push-up bras. BE YOU. I guarantee you'll attract a man who likes you for what he sees, and he won't be disappointed when he gets your shirt off will he? So you can get that worry out of your mind straight off the bat!

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Honey I have a close friend who is considered to be hot and I am jealous of her shape and she has a flat chest too while I am size D! and she is more successful with guys! So be proud of yourself and don't do a surgery on yourself just because of society!I'm sure you are beautiful the way you are.

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i'm flat chested. and people used to laugh at me, been the same size since i was 10, small!!!! i've only had one boyfriend who was interested in my boob size, and he couldn't care less, he said smaller boobs are good, just need a handful, the rest is a waist.


why dont u find petite clothes, for smaller breasts and see how u look and feel then.


the only guys who make or break a relationship based on boob size are the immature teenagers.


after the first few weeks of a boob job ur breasts are heavy and hard.


why dont u try putting sand into old tights, mold it to the size u want, and see if that changes anything before u decide for sure.

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I can tell you with absolute certainty that being small breasted does not hurt your chances with men. I have small breasts and I'm not beautiful, just ordinary girl-next-door type, and I have always had men chasing after me, making passes at me, for as long as I can remember. I get a lot of attention from men.


I don't invite the attention. I flirt somewhat on this forum because a topic area on sex and sexuality tends to encourage it and people are pretty frank on this board, but I don't flirt with a man I meet at a party or in a store or library unless I'm really attracted because I don't like leading people on. I also don't wear clothes that are as skimpy as many other women and yet I have always been popular with men. And I don't hide the fact that my breasts are small. I don't wear padded bras. What you see is what you get.


Obviously you're not going to attract men who "have to have" big breasts, and there are some, but there are plenty of men who like small breasts or simply don't care. I seem to attract athletes, musicians, artists, and smart professional guys, so maybe some of them don't care as much about big breasts.



I would never tell someone whether or not to have surgery, that's a personal choice, but research it VERY carefully on the Net before you do anything (not on the plastic surgery sites, they just want to sell you something, do it on the medical sites) and remember that all surgery has risks and something like 80% of implants will fail in one way or another (e.g., leakage) within 10 years or so (can't remember the exact statistics, but many women get infections, have to get repeat surgery or have to have them removed because of encapsulation or auto-immune reactions).


Also, implants affect breastfeeding. It's harder for a woman with some kinds of implants to breastfeed,—apparently milk can be up to 15% less and if you are small to start with, you don't want your body to produce even less milk. If you plan to have kids, you want to put your baby's health first.



The main thing to understand is that small breasts don't hurt your chances of getting dates or finding long-term relationships. I've turned down 90% of the offers I've had and I still have had a very active social life. If you're not getting dates and you think you should be getting more, then it's for some other reason, not your breast size.

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how small is too small...im a big advocate that if you got a handful then thats more then enough...and your one boyfriend probably has less to do with the boobs themselves and more of how you perceive yourself...guys just like women are attracted to confidence and often it can go a long way...in my honest opinion work on the things you can change and dont stress about the things you cant. And like above posters have said..guys are really diverse in their interest...im personally an eye guy..hot pair of green eyes will catch my attention faster then double d's...that being said my gf has plain old brown eyes but i love them because i love her....no seriously i do though, her eyes just captivate me...i would have never had thunk it.

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I can identify with your feelings. I too am pretty much flat-chested (ie. so small that bras don't fit even AA) I basically have a thin layer of fat with nipples. It's pretty sad excuse for breasts. But honestly, my flat-chest doesn't bother me anymore. (In the past, I used to complain and feel down about them, and felt less of a "woman"). However, once I accepted what I have and learned to love them. It wasn't so bad after all. I learned to flaunt what I have, which are my legs, butt, and my nice stomach. I also wear tight tops so people do know I am flat-chested, so I am not hiding them.


Even with my flat-chest, I never had problems with men liking me. What I lack in chest size, the lower half of my body makes up for it. Not only that, I am comfortable with who I am so men do not see an insecure individual that hates her chest. Rather, they see someone that is confident, funny, goofy, and a bunch of smiles. In the big scope of things, the size of one's chest is a tiny aspect of an individual, because there is so much more to a person than that.


I guess, the purpose of this post is to give you a different perspective about being a small-chested. Feel free to private message me if you want to talk more about it. I am all ears. =)


By the way, I am 22.

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haha starting to sound like a mans penis size post lol....but ya seriously...oh and btw omg a tight stomach is so hot...but ya...confidence is the key...funny part is that a lot of men find fake breast unattractive but what they find attractive is the confidence they create in a woman...its really one of those life paradoxes....


mans distaste=Fake breast=more confidence=mans attraction.......](*,)

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If you want a boob job because of society... I woiuld advise you to work more on liking yourself rather than changing.


Some people like boobs, some people don't care. If you are worrying because of what you read in magazines and see on tv, stop. It's not real and nobody expects it to be.

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Is it worth it for your self esteem to get this surgery done? Because as much as there are people who would support you, there are others that will talk trash about it (there are always haters). How would your self esteem hold up then?


The reason I say this is I know someone who had it done. Although she looks great, there are a handfull of people talking about her behind her back and talking trash. She's referred to as the one w/the implants. Luckily she has a thick skin and is confident about herself. Make sure you are doing this for yourself.


This deserves extensive research. Keep in mind your frame, height, size, weight. Some MDs try and talk you into going bigger. I say this because I am in the same boat. Good luck!

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If you get implants, you'll be more attractive to men who like bigger boobs, but less attractive to men like me who like naturally pretty women. If you are attracted only to men who consider boobs a big deal, or buy into their importance to your self-esteem, go ahead and have these devices inserted into your chest.

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It is totally up to you. I would be very, very sure you are doing it for yourself and not because you think others will like you more or be more attracted. Because you will find that although some whom like big breasts (or fakes) may come onto you a bit more, you may find lots of others now don't, or then you feel there is something else with you that "you need to change". Or, you may get criticisms as others pointed out so be prepared for that.


I am petite (about a size 4) and DO have larger breasts (a fuller C), and believe me, while I love my body & am comfortable in my skin now in my life, I can remember a time I deplored my breasts too as they brought unwanted attention at times or they interfere with my activities (I am an athlete/runner for example, and I have to wear super-support sports bras!). I wished for smaller ones! Even now sometimes if I am wearing a more revealing dress, people ask if they are "real" (as I am petite and generally people associate that with being smaller-chested it seems).


Breasts don't make you more or less beautiful - it is true that confidence in yourself is truly beautiful. I look at my mother, whom had size D breasts (also a smaller framed woman) most of her life - and had a double mastectomy due to breast cancer last year. They did a "reconstruction" using some fatty tissue from her stomach but even so she is now barely an A-cup (and has tattoo'd nipples!) - but she is beautiful and my stepfather adores her.

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if she goes for something like a C-cup, on a small frame that's more than enough.

if you truly feel that it will make you happier and more confident - do it.

thing is, I get the feeling from this post that you're feeling pressured into doing soemthign about it by society.

How about you look yourself in the mirror and say "i am what i am" and try living life without hesitation - and see if that solves your mini-crisis.


Boobs aren't everything. I'd prefer a pretty face personally.




Much rather be attracted to a pretty face first and work down from there. If you want to do it for yourself? Then do it. But if you are trying to attract by having guys look at your chest first and then you? The face says it all at first glance personally for me. After that, its just eye candy......

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Most of the time when I see attractive girls around I hardly notice what cup size they are - Unless they are deliberately wearing a cleavage-revealing outfit.


Honestly, I don't judge a girl's attractiveness by Her cup size. As long as She at least has an attractive face and a great personality, that is what is important to me.


But then, like others have said, if it is something that you are really curious in doing and don't think you will regret, then maybe it's the right thing for you to do. Whatever makes *you* happy and not others, that's what is most important.

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