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Does anyone feel like its just a non-stop emotional rollercoaster going through this? That its been too long with dealing with constant pain and happiness, then pain? I am getting just sick of being miserable and in this state of nothingness for the past 6 weeks. I feel like I am stuck in purgatory and cannot get out.


Mine has been dragging because ex still lives with me, and isnt moving out for another two weeks. I think I am in that state that whatever happens happens, I'm just ready to get out of this damn state of funk! I am sick of the never ending drama from all of this. Sick of leaning on my friends every nignt on the phone. Sick of thinking about her non-stop, every night, as soon as I wake up. It's comsuming everything I do. I almost want to yell at myself and say "Either shes gone for good, or you might get back at some point in your future, but stop f$%ing beating yourself up and get a hold of yourself dammit! You are being pathetic!".


Just a little frustration. Anyone ready to just throw in the towel and accept what life is going to give you? To realize that you cannot change anything with your stupid actions and constantly thinking of plans to get them back. Enough is enough. Thats what I say.

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Hey mightymsee


It is a rollercoaster ride - and not a very nice one at that! Your situation is so hard because you are still living together - yuck. I think that you need to suck this up for another couple of weeks until she moves out - because you won't be able to start moving forward in your life until she does.


Try and keep strong mate - once you are able to have a bit of peace and quiet then things will become easier. If you feel your friends are getting fed up with you, don't forget you can always come back here for a good rant!



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I feel exactly like you do. I'm sick of feeling like crap all the time. I think I am no learning to accept that whatever happens happens, and I'm just about starting to make plans with other people and do fun things. Still get those hopes that he will come back though

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I feel exactly like you do. I'm sick of feeling like crap all the time. I think I am no learning to accept that whatever happens happens, and I'm just about starting to make plans with other people and do fun things. Still get those hopes that he will come back though


Hun - see - you are getting there - you are starting to get some fun things booked up with other people - get them booked up and stick them on your calendar so you have something to focus on and look forward to.


It is getting easier - but be kind and patient with yourself. When a relationship ends we tend to go into panic mode - we want everything to happen right away. I tell you - if I had some fast forward pills I would happily send them to you!



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aw thanks mark.


It's been 2 months now, haven't come a long distance but I'm not in the same place I was back then. I just want it to be over with. Never want to feel pain like this again and I never want anyone else to go through it, except my ex lol

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I know how you feel. I was there. Still on the rollercoaster actually, but not as many highs and lows. A new attitude has taken hold of me recently and I'm ready to get on with life. That doesn't mean dating just yet, but I'm ready to stop letting this situation control me.


You will reach that point too - and it will be a lot easier to get there once she moves out. Until you get there - come here anytime! The people here have been so great!

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Yea, I have made huge leaps and bounds since we broke up. Since I travel on weekdays, I have been improving during week, then weekends I just get back to where I started. Its hard because shes still at my house....really hard.


But, I think I am just sick of the drama and how drug out this has become. I am looking forward to the future regardless of what it brings. I know that I will be a stronger and happier person because of this. That time might not be until a year from now, but it will come. We have talked about the possibility of getting back, and we both think there is a possibility. But, we are not going to hold out hope and are going to consciencly move on after the move out date. If in a year from now we get back, awesome, if not, whatever. life will move on. I was ok once without her, I'm sure I can be ok again without her.


I still wish I could just fastforward through all of this.....I know that wouldn't help me grow from this though.

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