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I need some info.


I am a 27 year old female who has recently gained about 10 pounds, even though my eating and activity level has remained the exact same, I feel exhausted all the time NOT just tired. My emotions change dozens of times a day and my hair and skin has become a bit drier in the last few weeks. Does this sound like a thyroid problem? The only person in my family that had problems with this was my mom's mom. This concerns me cause up until now I have been at averge weight and liked how I looked. Now I hate how I look and losing weight is hard enough at the good times and now a thyroid problem makes it almost impossible to lose weight right?

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Well, I have hypothyroidism and what you described are the exact symptoms of the disease. Go see an endocrinologist. The good news is that it's easy to treat, you have to take a pill every morning and you'll be perfect, no side effects.


The exact same thing happened to me when I didn't know I had the disease. I started taking those pills and managed to lose weight and wasn't tired anymore. And I have plenty of long beautiful hair on my head

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Yes, I have cut fast food completely out. I don't eat past 8:30 at night anymore and I eat all my carbs by noon eat day. I also have gone back to working out at least 40 minutes every second day. I have been doing this for a few weeks now.

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Well, I have hypothyroidism and what you described are the exact symptoms of the disease. Go see an endocrinologist. The good news is that it's easy to treat, you have to take a pill every morning and you'll be perfect, no side effects.


I also have hypothyroidism and you definitely have the classic symptoms. If you can bypass your primary dr. and go right to an endocrinologist then do so. It takes a couple of months to determine the correct dosage but once your levels are correct you feel like a new person.

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hmmm. something else is causing the weight gain. thyroid? possibly, but you are getting the weight from somewhere. are you only eating like a few times a day? try eating more frequently but less portions and watch your calories, not your carbs.

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i had the same problem as you 8 years ago. i started gaining a lot of weight, mood swings, tired all the time. i suspected i could have a thyroid problem, went through some tests and they said I was negative, so i basically changed my whole lifestyle...quit smoking, started working out daily and eating small meals, definitely felt a lot better, only lost a few lbs, it was really tough. to find out a year later i did in fact have a thyroid problem and now on medication, once i went on meds the weight came off much quicker but of course with a lot of work, i was told that it is very difficult to lose any weight and they were surprised I even did. that made me feel so much better because i was killing myself trying to lose weight.


make sure you get two opinions (endo) and keep your thyroid tests, sometimes doctors will say you are fine when in fact you might be borderline, even borderline prognosis needs to be treated. annoying but at least i change my entire lifestyle for the better....never felt healthier in my life. good luck, get tested the sooner the better.

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