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No stories here. I do like older guys and have seen people date older guys, even with an age gap of 20 years and seen it work out. It takes hard work and effort, and a bit of openness and understanding because a lot of times, both parties are coming from different life experiences.


I think older guys are cool, more understanding, and more willing to overlook some physical issues, compared to younger guys. But that's my own opinion.

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I have a friend I only know online, he's 42 or 43, and his girlfriend is 22. They have a long distance relationship but I know they're madly in love and the last I knew they were very happy and the relationship was going great. The only issue is the distance but other than that they're very happy and are planning to live together soon.

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My homeroom teacher married one of his students. They are very happy together with 5 children. I think that was about a 16 year difference. Also, one of my friend's dad remarried with a 30 year age difference. They have been married for at least 20 years and had two children together.

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Thanks for the replies...nice to hear. It's just that my head is swimming with this and I wanted to know what you all had experienced. On the one hand this girl is incredible, exciting, beautiful, kind, sweet, fun, smart, etc. On the other hand it seems too good to be true, and usually when it seems that way, it usually is Guess maybe I will just enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

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Thanks for the replies...nice to hear. It's just that my head is swimming with this and I wanted to know what you all had experienced. On the one hand this girl is incredible, exciting, beautiful, kind, sweet, fun, smart, etc. On the other hand it seems too good to be true, and usually when it seems that way, it usually is Guess maybe I will just enjoy it for as long as it lasts.


that's all that should matter. but if you sense it's a front or she is fake in some way, be weary with your feelings.

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thanks ghost. Good advice. But this one is genuine. She is completely grounded yet somehow also spontaneous and fun. Huge work ethic-but makes time to enjoy life. In school to become a teacher. There is honestly not a fake bone in her body, and she really likes me. We started as friends for a couple years and lately it became more. I never thought of her this way because of the age difference, other than thinking how beautiful she is and how lucky the guy that gets her will be. But again, this just kind of happened-without me going after it at all...she says she always had a crush on me.


Just don't know what to do. So far, and this has been going on for a couple months now, I see no problems with the age difference-she is mature way beyond her years. We like the same things and talk for hours. And we laugh for hours.


Take away the age difference thing and this is a girl that I would be SO excited about-and I am, but-there is the age difference thing.


I guess maybe I just fear that it will end, that she will realize that I am 20 years older than her and decide to get back into her own age-range. So I guess that is why I am wary-it's hard to get too emotionally involved when you feel like it won't work out long-term. She says it doesn't matter at all to her-that I am the only man she has felt this way about, that she has never had better sexually. But I still have that deep fear...


OK now that my somewhat embarrassing story is out there, I would love to hear opinions as well...


Thanks to all...

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don't focus on the age thing at all. don't let it bug you. focus on the person you are getting to know better. from what you have said, it sounds great and nothing to worry about. she's into you and you are into her. that's all you need.

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I have had two LTR's in my life where I was older, one I was 10 years and the other 8-1/2 years. At first, I was worried about it, but what I experienced through being with that person in time, was that in both situations strangers did not see the age difference in us. In my situations they thought I was the younger or same age. Once you experience that over and over you start to forget yourself also.


You may always appear older, but you are a very young and fit guy, I am guessing that someone seeing you and her together is not thinking 20 years, but maybe 10, and also envious as hell!!!!


If you and her do not feel a generational void between you, then what the heck, as they say, forget about it and enjoy yourself.

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Thanks! I got carded tonight at a restaurant-it is actually not rare for that to happen when the lights aren't bright Can't see the smile lines when it's dim...


I guess I am just going to try to play it by ear and enjoy it. Saw her today and stole a kiss...she's coming over on Sat. and she says she has never met anyone like me and has never been this excited about someone before. I feel the same. No generational gap-we talked half the night last night.


It is scary falling for her but I can't help it. She paints, and I walked in on her today doing so. She basically just takes my breath away. But ah well, there very well may be pain at the end of this road, but I am going to enjoy the drive for as long as it lasts...thanks again for all your input...

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  • 2 years later...

Hahahaha...reading back over this makes me laugh...story ends like this-we were together off and on for over two years, mostly on. I finally ended it for good last Spring, a year ago now. Just couldn't deal with the age difference, always felt guilty, etc...was probably the most exciting relationship I have ever had though. Funny ending though-last Fall she married...hold on, here's the kicker, a dude 17 years older than her that she had been dating just 8 months...hopefully not a rebound thing but probably not. So there ya go-all my guilt and not wanting her to make a mistake marrying me, it was all for naught Ah well, thought you all would enjoy the end of the story

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