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Wait Or Visit During My Time Of The Month?


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Hi there,


I'm not really sure where to put this one. I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. It's been long-distance the entire time. We're very happy, talk for hours a day on the phone, try to see each other every other weekend, have individual balanced and full schedules, trust each other, are making plans to live near each other, and never really argue. I just thought I'd get that out of the way so that this doesn't get off topic.


Last weekend I was supposed to visit him, but he ended up working the entire weekend. He thought it would be better to save my tickets and plan for a weekend when he could get time off. He requested time off two weeks in advance for this weekend and booked my flight, but his boss booked him to work anyway. He won't know for sure if he has any of the weekend off until the night before I fly out. I know for sure that he's working from 10am-11pm the day I fly there. His boss always does this when I come out so he said I may as well come this weekend because he misses me. I haven't seen him for a month! I'm going to start my period this weekend probably the second day I'm there. I'll be bloated and crampy the whole time. If he had time off I would for sure want to come anyway, but if the only time we get together is in bed at night and we can't even hook up... is it worth it?


It's been a whole month and I miss him like crazy! Our relationship is much more than the physical, but basically the weekend will probably just be him working and us sleeping in the same bed. I guess it's worth it to cuddle with him for a few nights. What do you all think?

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It's been a whole month and I miss him like crazy! Our relationship is much more than the physical, but basically the weekend will probably just be him working and us sleeping in the same bed. I guess it's worth it to cuddle with him for a few nights. What do you all think?


I think you just answered your own question...


YES!!! I definitely THINK YOU SHOULD GO! You love him and you miss him and cuddling is always a good thing!!!


Have fun!



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If you want, you may opt to get creative and do other things besides intercourse since that would obviously be out of the question. I've had this issue before and had friends who've had it too...I would go ahead anyway, especially seeing as you guys really don't get to see each other that often.

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Yeah here's the guy's opinion chiming in...


You should go, and not just cuddle. For me, menstruation is just part of life. Why should it interfere with an intensely emotional and loving experience? Like kuiks8 mentioned above, in my opinion, that's what towels are made for! Sorry if that was too blunt. But in my opinion why should we waste a moment of possibility over such a normal part of life???

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Kuiks8 and aubrnsip I'm with you, but I don't think my boyfriend is. He's experienced, but he waited well over a year for me to be ready (until I knew we both planned on a future together). I bleed a little almost every time we have sex (he's enormous and I'm still new to it) and he thinks it's gross... so period sex is probably not on the menu.

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Kuiks8 and aubrnsip I'm with you, but I don't think my boyfriend is. He's experienced, but he waited well over a year for me to be ready (until I knew we both planned on a future together). I bleed a little almost every time we have sex (he's enormous and I'm still new to it) and he thinks it's gross... so period sex is probably not on the menu.


wow that sucks!!! if you add up all the days you will not be able to have sex b/c of something so silly...I am so turned on around my period it would drive me crazy to be with someone who wouldn't have sex with me every time i had my period...maybe try shower sex?

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As someone who was in an LDR for a loooong time, it was out of the question to plan around my time of the month. It's too hard, and the last thing i want is to make something out of my control interfere with my having a good time when my fiance would come to visit. One day i went to the store to get some tampons, and in the tampon aisle i saw they had some cup-like things for periods. They are called the Instead cup, and i read on the box they could be used for sex. So we used them and it worked like a charm. No blood or mess whatsoever. it was like i didn't have my period.

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wow that sucks!!! if you add up all the days you will not be able to have sex b/c of something so silly...I am so turned on around my period it would drive me crazy to be with someone who wouldn't have sex with me every time i had my period...maybe try shower sex?


I know huh? Thats how i think of it. All those missed nights because of something so silly. When my fiance gave me a bit of heck about it a few months ago (he doesn't anymore) i got really mad, mainly because i just cleaned up a crap load of his vomit that month and he couldn't even tolerate my tiny menstrual flow. But it was only one month he couldn't tolerate it, this month and the others he was glad to. Weird guy

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They are called the Instead cup, and i read on the box they could be used for sex. So we used them and it worked like a charm. No blood or mess whatsoever. it was like i didn't have my period.


That's pretty cool. Is that the same thing as The Keeper? Anyway, it sounds like a great idea. I personally, and I know a lot of women like me, would be as uncomfortable having sex while on my period as a lot of guys would be, so this sounds like a good way to get around the problem. Then there's the problem of feeling bloated and unsexy (I guess the Midol would solve that?).


OP, have a great time on your trip! I'm sure that above all your bf will be overjoyed to see you, regardless of what else you can't do. And there are plenty things that you can do that don't involve intercourse that are almost as fun (at least for him LOL). Anyway, have a great time...in the long run though it seems like investing in something like the Instead Cup would be a good plan because it's impractical to try to plan all of your visits around your period.

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So I told the boyfriend he might not be getting much action and he said, "Babe, you better come... I miss you! I don't care about that stuff." I'm going to go get some of those Instead cups tomorrow. Do you think they'll interfere with the effectiveness of condoms? In the past I've just gone down on him when on my period, but I am crazy horny!

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So I told the boyfriend he might not be getting much action and he said, "Babe, you better come... I miss you! I don't care about that stuff." I'm going to go get some of those Instead cups tomorrow. Do you think they'll interfere with the effectiveness of condoms? In the past I've just gone down on him when on my period, but I am crazy horny!



Thats why i'm glad they have these cups, I personally don't like the extra fluids coming out at that time because of the clean up, thereforeeee i think it's kinda cruel to not have sex when you are crazy horny because of your period. They are specifically made to have sex with, i do not think they will mess with the condoms. We used the instead cup/condom combo before and no condom has broke because of it.

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So I told the boyfriend he might not be getting much action and he said, "Babe, you better come... I miss you! I don't care about that stuff." I'm going to go get some of those Instead cups tomorrow. Do you think they'll interfere with the effectiveness of condoms? In the past I've just gone down on him when on my period, but I am crazy horny!


sounds like a great guy!!!

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