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I would really like women to stop asking me these 2 questions when we first meet


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I love for people to ask me about my job when i am out. This is just casual aquaintences, not even dating. I love what i do and love to talk about it and love to talk to others about their work.


I could only imagine it bothering me if i hated my job.

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1. "Do you cook?"


Bobby Flay asked for MY autograph...


2. "Do you like your job?"


It's tough sometimes, but when I pull that last orphan out of the burning building at the end of the day, wipe the sweat from my brow, fly back up to my crib and take the cape off, I know it's all worthwhile. O wait, you mean my cover job? Sure it's great...


The point is not the actual words, but that you can deflect any question you don't want to answer with humor, and they will remember the jokey answers longer than the real ones. Replies like the above require a LARGE dose of humility and self-deprecation in the tone, otherwise they come off arrogant, but you get the idea.

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1. "Do you cook?"


Bobby Flay asked for MY autograph...


2. "Do you like your job?"


It's tough sometimes, but when I pull that last orphan out of the burning building at the end of the day, wipe the sweat from my brow, fly back up to my crib and take the cape off, I know it's all worthwhile. O wait, you mean my cover job? Sure it's great...


The point is not the actual words, but that you can deflect any question you don't want to answer with humor, and they will remember the jokey answers longer than the real ones. Replies like the above require a LARGE dose of humility and self-deprecation in the tone, otherwise they come off arrogant, but you get the idea.


Now i don't know why you have been having probs in the dating world. LOL Those are great answers!


Please help our pal CD out here servedcold. LOL

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I once went on a first date and I knew what he did for a living, just wasn't sure where he worked. I decided not to ask - it's a date, I wanted to kick back and have fun, not talk about work. It had been typical of me, if work came up early on, to ask the guy if he liked his job.


about 4 hours into the evening - we went for a drink after dinner, he takes a deep breath and says something like "you know you've asked NOTHING about my job this whole evening and I've asked about yours" I explained to him that I didn't want to pry, knew what he did for a living, there were other things to talk about. He then says "well I was laid off a few months ago and I am unemployed." I told him I was sorry to hear that, and certainly if he wanted to talk about it I was happy to listen, give input, help.


Very strange. I guess you can't win.

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Well CD has to realize that work is important to a lot of people and we tend to talk about what is important to us. I understand why you didn't ask batya but i honestly can say that i would ask. Not to pry but because i like to hear about what that perosn does and i like to talk about what i do.


I can see why the question would be uncomfortable if the person was just laid off, but in all honestly if i was laid off for a few months dating would not be on the top of my priority list. Finding new work would be at the top. I'd put a hold on dating while i searched. But that's just me.

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lol - i was at a coffeeshop once where i was sitting next to a couple who appeared to be on a first date. i had my headphones in, but decided to listen into their conversation, lol. it started off well, he was playing with her scarf, he was leaning forwards, interested... then he asked what she did for a living. she said, 'can we discuss this later?' he said, 'uh.... why don't you just tell me now?' (he seemed a bit worried, you can only imagine what he was thinking when she wouldn't answer! stripper? prostitute?' she said, 'well, it will take me 30 minutes to explain what i do.' he said, 'well, just try to give me the short version.' she then started explaining about this company she is in, and basically, it's some kind of triangle-scheme company where they sell phone cards or something of that nature, and blah blah blah. i was just watching the guy inch away from her. he seemed very turned off. the date soon turned into her seemingly trying to pitch to him to join the company also, he seemed less than interested. he then said, 'well, i should get going, i have a buddy coming in from out of town, and i need to clean my place.'


i'd be really surprised if they ever dated again! she could have just said, 'i'm in sales for a telecom company' and left it at that.

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And i have to confess, i really like to observe people when i am out who appear to be on a first date. Me and my husband have done this (not being obvious of course, that would be rude) but we would say "think they are on a first date?" and kind of watch the interactions with our periphereal vision.


He'd say something like uh oh there he goes, he's leaning in for a peck on the cheek! UH OH she is pulling away! LOL


I love to people watch!

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Now that's a question posed to me by a woman one time. "Do you come in blow-up dolls?"


I answered: "Not since I got married"


Bada bing bada boom!


Hope that wasn't a first date dude !!! LOL Otherwise it is funny as crap.

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CD, chat on dates isn't supposed to be about raw information exchange, so I see where you are coming from. Like dancing you need to lead into emotion laden conversation areas that cause passionate feelings in her and in you, because generally, passion is what you want to instill on an early date. Every other yokel in the world talks about work, blahblah yadda yadda. Find something that gets her excited that you also have feelings for and build the sparks of attraction. Also, invest in some good cologne and wear it sparingly, makes a big difference. Women have better noses than we do apparently.


And dear Jaded, I have no problems in the dating/getting aspects, but in the maintaining/wanting to keep aspects. I'm rockin and rollin for 3-6 months, then things start to implode. Hence I need the help of some of the successfully paired ENAers such as yourself.

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Well CD has to realize that work is important to a lot of people and we tend to talk about what is important to us. I understand why you didn't ask batya but i honestly can say that i would ask. Not to pry but because i like to hear about what that perosn does and i like to talk about what i do.


I can see why the question would be uncomfortable if the person was just laid off, but in all honestly if i was laid off for a few months dating would not be on the top of my priority list. Finding new work would be at the top. I'd put a hold on dating while i searched. But that's just me.


I should add that I got the sense during the evening that he was not feeling positive about work so I didn't want to pry.

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Bada bing bada boom!


Hope that wasn't a first date dude !!! LOL Otherwise it is funny as crap.



No not a date, it was a group at my home there for a cook out. I was doing some dishes and cooking at the same, running around doing stuff. That's when one of the women there asked that in front of everybody. The occasion was perfect so I could'nt resist.

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No not a date, it was a group at my home there for a cook out. I was doing some dishes and cooking at the same, running around doing stuff. That's when one of the women there asked that in front of everybody. The occasion was perfect so I could'nt resist.


Ok, then if it wasn't a first date or second that was freaking hilarious. LOL

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I agree with most everyone on here, that these questions are posed as just natural questions that come up in conversation when you meet anyone. Especially the job. Even people I'm NOT on a date with. Same goes for cooking and foods...that stuff always gets brought up.


It's chit chat. Small talk.

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hm, i don't even find it so much small talk.... well, i mean it is small talk, but the 'do you like your job' question is pretty shrewd. it's a better alternative than, 'what do you do for a living?' because that sounds like you are just trying to figure out how much money he makes. and asking if he enjoys what he does can give you clues to his character. it's such a turn off when a guy says he doesn't like his job, he just chose that major/profession because his parents wanted him to (tells me he has no mind or will power of his own) or because it's for the money (materialistic).

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hm, i don't even find it so much small talk.... well, i mean it is small talk, but the 'do you like your job' question is pretty shrewd. it's a better alternative than, 'what do you do for a living?' because that sounds like you are just trying to figure out how much money he makes. and asking if he enjoys what he does can give you clues to his character. it's such a turn off when a guy says he doesn't like his job, he just chose that major/profession because his parents wanted him to (tells me he has no mind or will power of his own) or because it's for the money (materialistic).


was that the question? LOL...after reading the whole thread annie I guess I forgot.


my point was that I usually ask someone what they do for a living, and, probably if they like it or not.


oh well...never knew people read so much into stuff...



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it was just SUCH a turnoff being in college, and asking someone why they chose to go into engineering and they said, 'my parents told me to.' i don't care if your parents ARE bankrolling it. don't you have a mind? dreams, hopes of your own? you're not a teenager anymore, you are a grown adult. if mommy and daddy like electrical engineering, they can do it themselves! i just thought it was so pathetic.


ok, rant over.

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it was just SUCH a turnoff being in college, and asking someone why they chose to go into engineering and they said, 'my parents told me to.' i don't care if your parents ARE bankrolling it. don't you have a mind? dreams, hopes of your own? you're not a teenager anymore, you are a grown adult. if mommy and daddy like electrical engineering, they can do it themselves! i just thought it was so pathetic.


ok, rant over.




Rants are allowed!!!!

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If a man can't cook, we're done. I do not cook and a man who does is not only useful to me, it's very sexy. Also, I am very career-driven, so I need a man who is really into his job so he understands my devotion to mine.

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