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When girls don't smile but look.


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I always thought if a girl thinks you are attractive she will indicate it by smiling . If she is looking at you.


I get lots of girls looking at me (more than just a glances,ie eye contact and staring) but they don't smile. Well actually I exaggerate one or two have. And Iam talking about girls who I have never met in my life and are just walking by in the street.


E.g walking down some stairs in a train station. Nice looking girl walks up them , we lock eyes and I look away (normally first) When I look again she is still looking and as we pass by she turns her head and carrys on looking. I sometmes nod thinking she must know me from somewhere. But apart from once they don't know me and are strangers.


To be honest I wouldn't smile at a girl I found attractive if I didn't know her. But thats just me. May take a sneaky look but thats about it.

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If they're looking that obviously then yeah I think they're attracted to you, but don't assume that a girl is into you if she makes eye contact and smiles. Most of the time I do that when I want to be polite/friendly, but lately I haven't because I'm afraid someone will take it the wrong way. o_o


To sum it up I don't think there's any sure-fire way to tell if a girl is attracted to you, it's different with different people.

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Well if you wouldn't smile at a girl you find attractive what makes you think girls will? We're not that different. Some girls might, but most are like you. I see a lot of attractive guys daily, but I'm the shy type so I just look. I never smile at them (unless they smile first).

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Agreed. I look and make eye contact gaging their reaction and if they act interested and smile then i will show my pearly whites!


is it gaging our gauging? anyone?!?!




I get some smiles I guess it all depends on the girl.

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I'm usually too shy... it MAY be an indicator of interest though. Sometimes I will just look; catch a guy's glance, and then look away quickly because i dont want him to think i'm staring... i'm a HORRIBLE flirt LOL and i'm 23 so i should really know better, but... yeah.


The way a guy can tell if i'm interested is not by these type of subtle clues at FIRST, but after conversation... if I'm locking eyes in conversation, maybe complimenting him a bit or seem interested... I can do that after I get to know a guy a bit. even at a club maybe... but you won't see me being all flirtatious and smiling and stuff at first, im too shy for that..


P.S. I will say that despite being goodlooking myself....guys rarely smile at me in public places; subways, etc. rarely will they ever try to strike a convo with me anywhere... i think it may just be the city environment? people are too into themselves...

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Shyness and not wanting to make it so obvious. I've always let the man do the chasing. Such a girlie attitude but i'm being honest.


exactly, the same with me... and you know, i was sort of hte opposite before where i would be the one 'chasing' and then it took a hit to my confidnece sometimes... i don't like the job of pursuer...if they want me, they can do it. As a girl, I like to feel wanted, not like some girl on the prowl

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It happens to me quite a bit. I made a thread on here about it before as well.


I get it on the train, and when walking on sidewalks to and from the office, etc. No smiles, but always a blank look. Not really a stare, but a look and they hold it for a second or two. I usually turn away as I don't want to seem like a creep.


Smile when it happens. It they smile back, then great. If they don't, oh well. You're smiling, be happy!

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Trust me girls... guys love it when girls smile at them, regardless of your smile, it's the best way to show them you find him attractive. A simple gesture that'll make your life a lot easier.


exactly, the same with me... and you know, i was sort of hte opposite before where i would be the one 'chasing' and then it took a hit to my confidnece sometimes... i don't like the job of pursuer...if they want me, they can do it. As a girl, I like to feel wanted, not like some girl on the prowl


I think you should combine both approaches... not everyone is going to go after you forever if you don't react. Letting them take the first step is fine, but then you gotta show interest.


I see it like this: the person who takes the first step is entitled to wait for the other to make a move after that first step has been taken. If I take the first step and the girl doesn't react or reply, I assume she isn't interested (even if she might just be shy or if she likes to be chased).

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I see women look at me from time to time, but I never really make anything of it. I simply look back, then look around the area again. Smiling is certainly more obvious for me, and I am usually glad to return the favor.


If there was a woman who was constantly looking at me without smiling, then I would probably tread carefully around her; without any feedback I don't like making assumptions. Not to be paranoid, but there could be many reasons for someone to look at you repeatedly.

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