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Checked Email UGH - Did I misread it?


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Remember the saying:


If you have nothing to hide, hide nothing.


Your ex has been trying to talk her way out of a hole, and for what? She wants to play both sides of the fence. She can have you for emotional comfort, financial comfort, to provide a sense of stability.


And with this other guy, she can indulge in the excitement of an affair, to do something naughty, and to get a thrill out of getting away with it.


You're better off doing NC and finding someone with values and beliefs more compatible to your own.

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She is using the snooping aspect as an attempt to deflect the issue of her cheating. Of course she is wrong and of course she was up to no good.


The fact is that your snooping is irrelevant - it was obvious she was doing something suspicious and you were right to check up on those suspicions.


Look at it this way - it is illegal for the police to search your property or open your mail because that 'snooping' is considered wrong. So, if they want to do those things they have to obtain a search warrant by convincing a judge that there are grounds for reasonable suspicion of illegal activity.


In the same way it is wrong for people to snoop on their partners. But if there are reasonable grounds for suspicion of wrongdoing then a judge - in this case the judge being your rational common sense - will authorise a search.


Under those circumstances it is simple self-preservation.

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Well, I had too much to drink last night and sent her a text. Short one: "You need to decide what the **** you are going to do." In the big picture, I suppose the content was not too bad and I know we all slip but after two days of NC (I know, only two days, LOL) I was starting to feel pretty good about how I left things with her.


Didn't get a response and wasn't expecting one.


Back to Day One.............

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Well, I had too much to drink last night and sent her a text. Short one: "You need to decide what the **** you are going to do." In the big picture, I suppose the content was not too bad and I know we all slip but after two days of NC (I know, only two days, LOL) I was starting to feel pretty good about how I left things with her.


Didn't get a response and wasn't expecting one.


Back to Day One.............


sorry about that, go back to nc. there's nothing left to say to her! her decision seems to be not to stay faithful.

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Yeah, at this point, forget about what she's going to do, or wants or doesn't want to do. Just forget about her crap and bring the focus 100% on what you're going to do to get her out of your life.

I'm going through a break-up with a girl I met at work and still work with. NC has begun, regardless of that fact that we still work together. If I can do it, so can you.

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Don't make the mistake of thinking plain NC will work - I did exactly that and it was a very slow process. You really have to get off your butt, and get busy. I revamped my gym schedule, asked some work buddies to do weekend excursions, and started cooking again. Everything was to keep me busy, to keep my life full, and that's when NC really began to work - I found that my life was under my control, that I determined my happiness, and that my ex made me UNhappy. And that's how things got better.

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Thanks for the support and advice. All good stuff.


We also work together and she has relied heavily on me for help in her job for the last 8 months, which I have willingly given. But that is about to change I think as I am waiting on a wonderful job offer, which will be for more $$ and get me out of this work situation.


I am trying to stay in NC but could not resist telling her yesterday that I would be changing jobs shortly and that the expected offer was "phenomenol." It was mean in a way and totally not necessary. It felt good while doing it and for a while thereafter, but not so great a few hours later. In fact, I had my worse night's sleep last night.


I am trying to keep busy and not sit around and have a pity party for myself. I am looking at the job change and the loss of this relationship as an opportunity for a fresh start.

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good way to look at it man. Your just going through normal break up feelings. who broke it off?? This girl is not trust worthy so why chase someone like that, your just making yourself look bad and that she is in control. Move on happily, dont talk to her or even look at her at work. Dont help her anymore, nothing!!!


I took my break up last year for the better work wise and my job has only gotten better. focus on you now!

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