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Where do I go from here.....


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Ok well about 5 months ago I moved interstate.. was very excited moved into a nice apartment with two other room mates. i didnt sign a lease I only pay it to my other room mates who are on the lease.

I am also best friends with one of the sisters of one of the room mates I live with.


Anyway I have been very homesick lately. I have my best friends in another state and my family. Recently I have been crying and missing home alot. I am 25 years old and I feel like my life has no direction. I really dont have many good friends where I live and I am about to start a new job tomorrow with alot of senior people and I know that I wont make any new friends there. They even said that to me that they werent very social . I am in second thoughts about starting my new job.


I really just want to pack up and go home. I lived abroad for 2 years and really miss my family. Part of me just wants to go home get a little apartment and settle down in my home state. I feel like I am searching for something constantly and now i am exhausted.


I know my room mates wont understand that I want to move out and they will probably get mad with me. But they are never home and I dont know why me moving out would be such a big deal. I really am not happy.


I just feel like I am trapped and that my life has no direction. I need to settle down and I feel like I am in not the right place.

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If you honestly can say to yourself that you aren't in the right place, and don't see yourself going anywhere in this town, and you aren't happy about this, then you should move back. Perhaps look for a job back in your other state, look for an apartment, and if that stuff gets sorted out easily (getting hired, etc), then maybe you can take it as a sign. Maybe you should move back?

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