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I started to cry in the middle of the street. Now I feel stupi


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Hi everyone,

I have been dating a guy for 6 months. This thursday was our 6 months anniversary. It was also my last week of school. I have had just 2-3 hours of sleep. I am also graduating this septmenber, so I have been stressed out about my job and feeling low lately. My boyfriend and I went out for a quick dinner to celebrate our anniversary.


For the last two weeks I have been feeling very emotional and everything he does, I have been picking on him. Like last week I accused him of being secretive and we sorted that out. However, on Thursday I felt like he was being distant from me and didnt want to actually go for dinner. Then he told me that he wanted to see me on Saturday instead of Friday because Friday was going to be hectic so I got very emotional and said maybe we shouldn't see each other at all and maybe he wants space from me. He said no he didn't and whether I was the one who needed space. I said maybe he was greaking himself out by taking this relationship too fast. He said he didnt feel anything like that. After that I started to cry in the middle of the street. I confessed to him that I have been stressed and low and this is all a culmination of this stress. He was very sweet and said he is there for me and that I can depende on him.


Later I went back home and called him up twice. Latr I text him saying I cannot rely on him if all he says is he wants to spend time with me and he misses me but he does not put that into action.( which is true!) He said that was not the case and that he wanted me to come and spend time with him on Friday. On FRiday I woke up feeling a lot better. He called me up to find out how I was doing and suggested that I come over. I said no, I felt a lot better and that I would want to meet him for a movie on Saturday. He seemed fine with it. But he said he understood that I was in a transitory phase and if I wanted to come and hang out at his place that was fine too.

Now I am worried that my behavior on THursday mighht have put him off and that he is being nice to me because he is sweet. It would help if someone told me what you think about the situation and how I can remedy it?

Thank you.

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Well to be honest, the way you have been acting is a little immature. Everyone has there moments though. I'm sure it put him off, but he still wants to be with you. He seems like a nice guy. So just make sure you don't make the same mistakes again.

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It does seem like immature behavior. He sounds like a SUPER nice guy to put up with all that. You need to take a good look at yourself and try to change this behavior or you will lose him. Not many guys like super emotional, freak out women....lol!

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Well to be honest, the way you have been acting is a little immature. Everyone has there moments though. I'm sure it put him off, but he still wants to be with you. He seems like a nice guy. So just make sure you don't make the same mistakes again.


I agree with this ^^.. you seem be over dramatic (no offense!) and acting a bit immature towards situations. Try to avoid making the same mistakes again or the relationship is headed for doom.


We all get stressed out with life but you have to learn how to handle the stress and not take it out on the person you're in a relationship with which is what it seems you're doing.

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honestly, i have probably pulled similar stunts when I was younger with my boyfriend. It is natural to be stressed out and emotional when you're very tired, and it sounds like your boyfriend is very patient and understanding...I think this is a great sign that he is an awesome guy and is committed to you. Just try to remember this occasion and let it stop you from being insecure and accusatory of him in the future. I can relate as I tend to be very insecure in relationships and have mistaken my bf being very busy for not wanting to see me..but just explain all this to your bf and I'm sure he will understand, everyone gets stressed out!

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When we are very tired or very hungry, we have significantly less control over our emotional states and responses, and we can often be very capricious and irrational. Some people are more able to control these inclinations than others; that's why, if you're running low on sustenance or sleep, it may be a good idea to fulfill those basic needs first before getting together for extended periods of time with your SO.

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