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Dancer-honestly no, I have zero thoughts of getting back together with him. That's just me though. When I'm done, I'm done. I'm sorry that you're going through this. That cycle you fall into is so hard to get out of. Emotional detachment is a hard thing to reverse-believe me because I tried for four months.


Clabs-thanks so much. I know I did the right thing and that he'll be OK in the long run. He deserves someone who is in love with him. I did tell him yesterday that I'm OK with talking, but not hanging out yet. I'm just not ready. Not really a huge issue because he's back where we grew up for the summer. But I go home a lot and wasn't sure if I should contact him. Now I know that I don't have to. I'm hoping that when he comes back in the Fall, he'll have moved on more and we can hang out.

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