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Girl just got out of a relationship, how long should i wait to make a move?


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Hey guys, i met this girl 2-3 years ago and she had a little thing for me back then but i never did anything about it which is my fault because i had a thing for her.


A few months later after she let me know that, she has a boyfriend. When i found out i knew i lost my chance to get with her, but i was going through a lot of stuff during that time to be worrying about having a relationship.


We were and still are friends. I never tried to make a move on her or anything while she was in her relationship, i know better than that. I was always there for her when she was sad though because of her boyfriend. He doesn't treat her right and never appreciates her.


Anyways, her boyfriend broke up with her last week after 2 years of being together. They've broken up a lot of times, but she always went back which i never understood because she did everything for him and never got anything in return. This time she said she'll never go back. She's been really sad, not to where she wants to go back but because of how someone can be so unappreciative.


A couple days ago i meet up with her to comfort her like i always would when she was down. We were talking about the past, watched a movie, basically just wanted her to stop thinking and not be sad the whole day. Then later on in the day she says "if anything, in the future would you try to talk to me and not wait like before?" I told her yeah i wouldn't miss the chance.


With that said, how long should be considered "the future"? I don't wanna miss out again, at the same time i want her to be totally over it you know. I know i can treat her way better than her ex. Any advice?

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well based on what you have said, i think you squandered your chances when the girl had a thing for you. but if you want to attempt to go out with her..give her some time, she is on the rebound and will most likely be thinking of what she doesn't have anymore....give it some time

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I'm kind of interested in this topic, because I have feelings for a girl that's currently in a relationship. 'Course, they don't seem to be splitting up any time soon, and I guess they're happy at the moment, but we're still young (her and him are the same age as me), so they probably won't be "together forever", right? I dunno, but if they were to split up, I feel like that would be my only shot with her, so I want to make sure I do everything right.


The way she makes him out to be on her online profile page (I've never actually met the guy, and it's been kind of a while since I've seen her in person, either), he must be pretty great, so if/ when they break up, she's probably going to take it pretty hard... Another thing that bothers me is that she notes on her profile that her greatest fear is "being alone"; I guess that doesn't necessarily mean in terms of a boyfriend, but it kinda makes me wonder if maybe her "healing time" is shorter than some other girls.


I dunno, but I'm just not smart about how this type of thing works. And this girl is really important to me, so I don't want to screw things up.

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well based on what you have said, i think you squandered your chances when the girl had a thing for you. but if you want to attempt to go out with her..give her some time, she is on the rebound and will most likely be thinking of what she doesn't have anymore....give it some time


How long do you think I should wait based on her situation? A couple months?

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