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Fingering In A Theatre


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Ok ok ok! heres the situation!!! Im going to a movie this friday, and the girl im going with has hinted me VERY well that she wants me to finger her, probably durring the movie im geussin. Heres the issue! how do i do it without making a whole scene throughout the theatre? Like obviously covering her "area" so to speak, with a a jacket im geussins wud be the best idea. NE WAYZ if u have any ideas how to give her sweet sweet pleasure durring the mvoie without making a scene give me any tips! ALSO how to finger her in the best way possible with little movement! thanks




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yea good advice from the poster above, now to add to the area of pleasure, FIND THE CLITORIS


(area you first hit when sliding your hands DOWNWARD from the belly button, almost by the pubic hair area, just a tad bit lower) the arch in her lower back might tell you when you hit it....

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She'll need to have a skirt on?? Pick a movie that isn't going to be very popular. That way the theatre will be almost empties. Just be really gentle down there, she can tell you when you get the right place, like a game of hot and cold...rub side to side on the clit, for the entrance to her vagina, go in with one finger at a time, until you feel that she is really getting happy or relaxed or begs for more. For the vagina mimick the movement of your other hand or what ever a good euphemism is for your little man.

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If you're going to finger her, why bother paying like $5-8 for a movie theater to do it in. Why don't you guys just park your car somewhere or find some other secluded area and do it. It'll save you money, comfort, etc.


Just a friendly suggestion. But anyway, clit is definitely what you want to play with.

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Oh fingering. The art. Rhythm rhythm rhythm. That is the most important.


As a guy i use like my entire hand and rub ontop of the clothes a little bit to get her wanting more. Then slowly make it to her skin. Rub the higher part of the vagina. Do a circular motion, slowly. Do a few circles then go lower to the vaginal opening. Then push in (don't go in just push hard on her vagina) and pull up to the clit. Circles, then down and up again. Then after a bit of that, put a finger in a bit, then the next round go in a bit more. and more, eventually you will have alot of your finger in and move around inside her. Once you notice her getting a bit looser, pull out, rub, and then go in with 2 fingers, and like Lynch said, do the same motion your "little man" would do inside her. mmm pure goodness.


I enjoy fingering a girl so much, its interesting for me to do. You can feel her move, and the more and more you do it to her the more you will know her reactions and will let you know, harder/softer/faster/slower.. so just learning a girl is another step to successfully fingering a girl.


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