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attracting girls..


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well i have been attracting girls recently, FAR more then normal. only problem is they are not the kind of girls i want, they are not the most attractive girls..okay they are ugos. my friend said he is going to hook me up with some more attractive girls, who go to another school. in the mean time what can i do to get some hotter girls?

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surf on internet?


I don't know why you're asking since you already have an opportunity coming to you through your friend.


But it lets me think that you don't have the age to go to clubs, right? Don't worry, that time'll come.

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Try getting to know the person inside... the outside fades anyway. I've dated some extremely hot guys and they had as much personality as my big toe. Nice to look at... not so fun to be around. And some of the average looking or less than average looking had killer personalities and treated me very well. And were loads of fun to be around.

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well wort sorta style are these gals? and then what is your style? In alot of ways certain women dig certain styles. You have to analyze that and then its time for a make over. I couldnt tell you what the hotter girls like because they all have thier preference but in my experiance if you can manage all styles than your golden. I like to mix a punk rock look (gives the edgy/bad boy look), with a stylish club look (for the club dancers) and every once and a while i may do the preppy thing but rarely. depends where you go. Ive noticed the supposed in thing now is ripped jeans with the affliction look. Look up affliction clothing. Thats what i sport. Try wearing some semi shredded jeans like from the buckle with a cool affliction shirt with some sort of worn dark looking chain, a fossil leather watch on your left hand and a bracelet or leather band on your right with a relaxed sports coat finishing it off. haha.

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stop being an ugo and become hotter?




give yourself a goodlook in the mirror. ;D


I love it!!! Brilliant!


I find it so sad when guys think they deserve models but have no basis for it. Of course, you have the right to maintain any kinds of standards that you wish to.


But I have some really hot friends. I'm talking really hot. And it's so pathetic to see how guys make complete asses out of themselves around these women. The poor souls.

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I love it!!! Brilliant!


I find it so sad when guys think they deserve models but have no basis for it. Of course, you have the right to maintain any kinds of standards that you wish to.


But I have some really hot friends. I'm talking really hot. And it's so pathetic to see how guys make complete asses out of themselves around these women. The poor souls.


LOL yea. I've had guys who had crushes on me try to talk to me, then when they figured i don't like them. they'd try to pull the pity card. This is how they see it..



Somehow, being liked by "ugly" girls is suuuch a misfortune and they didn't deserve. They'd make fun of the girl, say how it's so annoying blah blah blah. AND ALL THIS, to me the girl they're trying to get with. AS IF IT'S NOT EMBArRASING TO BE THAT RUDE???



Like no, you're not a looker yourself and you have a crappy attitude. I guess some girls who don't see that or likes getting mistreated would like you. But ya.. otherwise no!


Even the pretty girls though, most of the ones I know (are exceptionally pretty) end up dating the average or less than average looking guys... because they have the attitude... not because they wanted a hot girl for the sake of the hot girl. I'm currently dating the average looker and turned down a good looking guy... all based on their attitude.

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Even the pretty girls though, most of the ones I know (are exceptionally pretty) end up dating the average or less than average looking guys... because they have the attitude... not because they wanted a hot girl for the sake of the hot girl.


Totally. My hottest friend is still stuck on this unattractive, geeky guy who broke up with her 3 years ago.


Although this thread also reminds me of my husband, who gets extremely offended when obese women throw themselves at him. Some bigger girls think that all black guys have a thing for bigger girls, which I'm sure is true for many black guys, but not my husband. It makes him so mad, lol.

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Don't let some of the views expressed here make you feel bad or that your expectations are too high, as long as you aren't being rude to these women, you have every right to disqualify on looks. Men and women do this equally, men are generally more honest about it...


You have to put yourself in the locations where there are higher ratios of attractive women. This means different things in different places, and more detail is needed. But if you find yourself surrounded by ugly women, the obvious answer is to change the places you frequent.

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I love it!!! Brilliant!


I find it so sad when guys think they deserve models but have no basis for it. Of course, you have the right to maintain any kinds of standards that you wish to.


But I have some really hot friends. I'm talking really hot. And it's so pathetic to see how guys make complete asses out of themselves around these women. The poor souls.


There is nothing in the post that indicated that the OP felt he deserved a model. The only thing he wanted was to date women that he finds phsycially attractive. I also don't see anywhere in the original post where he was badmouthing these women in front of their faces. Neither was there anything in the post that suggested that he was making a complete fool around women who are "hot". I admit that "ugo" is not a term that I would use for women that I don't find physically attractive.


Guys are more visual than women. That's the reason why men tend to be more rigid about looks than women. I don't understand why you would knock a guy for his preferences.

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You have to put yourself in the locations where there are higher ratios of attractive women.


I'm sorry but I still think that if the only women he can get to express any interest in him are 'ugos', then he needs to look in the mirror. If you have to break it down to a science, specifically scoping out spots with more beautiful women, then you really need to do some self-assessment.


Like I said, he's free to maintain any standards he deems appropriate. Just don't come crying to us when these beautiful women treat you like crap.

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im not simply basing my judgements on looks, although if i said that looks were not apart of the ugly factor i would be lying. ok so the 3 girls, 1 is good looking and a really nice girl..but shes got a bf and i dont need to be getting in any drama and i dont really wana get with her, 2 i would say is a tad below average looking..because of the face..and she had a HUGE crush on my younger brother to the point she was borderline stalking him, and 3 i casaully say hi to in the hallway..but i am not attracted to her in the slightest.


i am not saying i deserve heidi klum, i know im just an average looking guy...and im happy with that. all i am saying is i want to find a girl that i find attractive to be attractive to me. so here il rephrase my opening statement: i have no attraction toward the girls that are attracted to me...is that okay? or am i still passing judgement on someone? o wait, attraction is all about judgement

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i dont understand why you are being so hostile. im sorry for expressing my view of the girlsit is not that all of the girls are ugly.


Sorry for being hostile. I mostly just have a problem with the word "ugly". I mean, there are a few people in this world who are truly ugly, I suppose, but usually when guys use that word, what they usually mean is "someone I view to be out of my league". Don't you think that we're all a bit ugly and beautiful at the same time? And if you were to express interest in a woman, would you really like her turning around and telling her friends you were ugly? Maybe, when it comes to these girls, you can just try to find something about them that is lovely or attractive, but then say to yourself "she will make some guy very happy but she doesn't have the specific features I'm looking for" and leave it at that.


And it's really a numbers game. The more women you know, the more women you talk to, the more women in your social circle, the more chances you'll have to find someone who you have a mutual attraction with.

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There's a big difference between expecting to date a physically beautiful person and expecting to find someone whom you find attractive. Nothing in OP's posts suggests that he's looking for some set standard of beauty, and yet several replies assume he is.


Fastball, school is tough because of all the cliques and gossip and social structure. I assume you are in high school as you say you pass women in the hall, if that's incorrect, sorry for the assumption. If there is any way you can get out of that environment to meet women, your odds of success should increase. Try to get involved with social outlets separate from school. Could be church, library, outdoors groups, etc. Lots of possibilities but they take effort. If you can get the rep of being the guy who has stuff going on with cool interests outside of school, you will find yourself with lots of female attention.

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well i have been attracting girls recently, FAR more then normal. only problem is they are not the kind of girls i want, they are not the most attractive girls..okay they are ugos. my friend said he is going to hook me up with some more attractive girls, who go to another school. in the mean time what can i do to get some hotter girls?


talk to them. most hot girls fall into the "be careful what you wish for" catagory anyway. So you probablly dont want to date too many of them

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