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Socially Pathetic??

Dark Prince

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Sorry, if this is kinda long, but I don't exactly know how else to explain it. Thank you for reading this. Pathetic maybe too strong of a word; but I honestly can't think of one that would better fit the situation. Lately, I've been feeling like I'm socially pathetic. I have friends that I can talk too, but I don't have the one close best friend that you are always looking for. I haven't had a best friend since elementary school to be quite honest. I've always just coasted through life and middle/high school and now almost finishing my associates degree.


I've got friends that I hang out with but we only seem to be able to work out that one day that we can all get together. I don't have one of those friends you can just call up or text and say lets hang out and do something on some random time. Most of my friends have girlfriends now too, so the time is even more limited.


This is forcing me to think that I need to get myself a girlfriend soon as well, if I want to have that someone to talk too whenever I have a problem. I've always been a shy person and never having the self-esteem to really break out into conversation with someone randomly in class and try and be friends with them. I've always try to set a goal for myself where I would like to make one new friend after each semester, but that's failed every time.


I always find myself alone a lot and the only times I go out are when I get to classes and whenever I go to the store to get something. I want to be able to communicate with people better. I'm taking a Public Speaking class in the summer so that should help, but I want to be able to do this on my own as well. I'm taking more classes in the summer to finish off, and I want to be able to socially connect and eventually be friends with new people and have a larger social circle. Again, sorry about the length, I kinda went on a little rant here. I hope it's understandable.

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Joining a school club that interests you is always guaranteed to win you some friends. It's hard advice to take sometimes since time is so limited and you always make excuses for why you can't spare time to join a club, but really it's the easiest way to make new friends. With any luck you may even find a g/f that way but even if not, just increasing your social circle does tend to increase your probability of finding a g/f.

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Joining a school club that interests you is always guaranteed to win you some friends. It's hard advice to take sometimes since time is so limited and you always make excuses for why you can't spare time to join a club, but really it's the easiest way to make new friends. With any luck you may even find a g/f that way but even if not, just increasing your social circle does tend to increase your probability of finding a g/f.


That is probably true. I'm already part of a club, and its of a topic I'm really interested in, however, I feel like the people in the club aren't my kind of people, if this makes any sense. They seem completely off of what I would like to have in a friend.

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I just realized something, I just saw the new IronMan movie recently (great movie btw) and I know this may sound different, but I really payed attention to the main character Tony Stark's personality and realized that my personality is way too soft. I realize now that if I want to get anything out of life, I have to be aggressive and and strong willed. I can't just sit back and wait for something to happen because it won't. I know this may sound weird comparing this to a comic book character, but it was one of those epiphany things I had after watching the movie.

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