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Boyfriend who is getting divorced.

Kidney stones.

Heart attack.




He just told me he was an alcoholic yesterday, we are in a long-distance relationship.


Constant family fighting with parents, never got along with them.

Exams. Last year in uni.


I m so tired. I don't even have anyone to talk to. All I ve been doing is staying strong for everyone. But everyone is constantly punishing me for what I ve done. My parents have been punishing me for every single thing I ve done, ever since I attempted suicide when I was 15. And now all that is going on with my boyfriend, I can't even talk to him without him feeling useless about himself. And everything he doing is killing me, all that talk about him being useless, n worthless, wanting to die, constantly worrying if he's okay..


I m trying very hard to stay afloat, strong, not get caught up in anything..

BUt I don't think I can do it anymore.

Life and everything...

I just m so tired.....


I m sorry, i just need a vent.....

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Your boyfriend is just not in a place right now where he can have a healthy relationship with you. His physical and mental health is a wreck. He's an alcoholic. And he's in the middle of a divorce. He is certainly in no condition to be able to support you right now.


You won't like this - but I think perhaps it is best to end this relationship. You sound like you are slipping into a codependant state with each other. And that is very damaging for the both of you. You both have some things that you need to work out individually.


Get some counseling for yourself. Try to encourage your boyfriend to seek help with alcoholics anonymous or a similar organization. And work on getting yourselves healthy again.

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Sometimes people feel the need to do it all for everyone else. At some point, it's wise to cut ties with emotionally draining people and look out for Number One.


Ask yourself this: If these other people don't worry about your needs, why struggle to be strong for them? Be strong enough to protect your best friend, the one who will always be with you. You deserve it.

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