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I cheated on my boyfriend part 2


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If anything, I was weak and naive--kind of still am. When you have been in a relationship for 4 years w/o anyone else noticing you because you've gained a little bit of weight, it feels good to get attention from someone who actually seems to show interest.


Again, NO one can say that they WILL or WILL NOT cheat, because you just don't know what you will do.



I was in a 3 year relationship, got pregnant (Gained nearly 80lbs), had a kid and was treated like crap and only saw him maybe once a week if I was lucky and I still didn't cheat nor want to cheat. Quit making excuses, at first you were bragging about it but now you're trying to play victim. PLEASE!

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No...I wouldn't do that. Are you forgetting that I knew this guy from my past. We went out for awhile. I just didn't ever really remember getting serious with him. I always thought we were just "friends".


what difference does it make? Whether youv'e known him for many years or just met him yesterday, the fact remains that you still turned to another man for comfort.

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hello bluecake,

I left a harsh message on your 1st thread and i do apologize, for i was irritated after reading the whole column and you seemed to disregard the others advice.


Well...i suppose reading your 2nd column, you sound just as confused as the 1st, i agree were all humans and we do sin. Heck even the guy you cheated with is living a lie too. Karma may be a b----h, but you cannot revert the fact that you cheated on your bf. OK, maybe your a victim, but dont disregard your bf, for he is currently a victim too.


In addition, in your 1st column, granted your young and wish to experience new thrills and excitement in life, nothing wrong with that. Just be mindful and dont drag anyone you love down that experimental path.


I suppose the best thing to do now is take some time off from both your bf and the bad boy. It'll allow you to evaluate everything else in life not too mention the opportunity to seek out that true answer on whether you wish to pursue someone else or remain with your bf, since you claim to love him dearly.



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If I had a dollar for the "I'm young and I want to have fun, so that's why I cheated" (um, how about then letting your bf to be free to do the same) and the "you're not perfect/you never know if you'll cheat so who are you to judge me" excuses, well, boy.


That mindset - doesn't end when you hit 18, or 25, 30, 35, whatever - that mindset of "it's ok to cheat because no one is perfect and because I am [bored/insecure/lonely] in my committed relationship" also is not age specific. It's person-specific and values-specific so how about you kick that poor habit of no accountability and if it makes me happy who cares about anyone else - mentality. In part because when you start to be the baby-mama with a guy who can't/won't support your child, it ceases to be all about you. Then you will be an FWB - Female With Baby.


So get used to it. and let your bf get used to being with a woman whose values wouldn't allow her to cheat just because she got bored or whatever. That woman is not you for now, it seems. Could be someday but since you get to have your fun, why can't he?

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Like helll I don't.


People can control their urge to cheat.. Typical cheater though using the "Oh i got caught up in the moment" BS line! I never have and never will cheat on anyone and to say that I don't know if I will or not is completely insane! I know what I will do and cheating isn't one of them. I would never put myself in the predicament to cheat on my fiance or anyone else.

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Good lord, I understand that women can be naive at times, especially young women.


But c'mon.


This guy is using you as a sperm bucket. Can't you see that? Don't you find it degrading to be used like a piece of meat, and then offer sloppy seconds to your BF?



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Good lord, I understand that women can be naive at times, especially young women.


But c'mon.


This guy is using you as a sperm bucket. Can't you see that? Don't you find it degrading to be used like a piece of meat, and then offer sloppy seconds to your BF?




He's not using me. I am the one who initiated EVERYTHING...The cuddling, the kissing, and then the sex. I was the one to push it. To be quite honest, I don't even think that he cared about doing any of that. He was just there and I was stringing him along for the ride. That's how I feel right now anyway.


This whole mess is my fault. I did something, because I thought I could get away with it. I have gotten away with it, but I feel completely guilty. I can't even look my boyfriend in the face anymore. It's starting to bring me down. I'm starting to feel worse about myself than I did before.


I played myself for the fool. I got into bed with a scumbag who is probably seeing other women, and who possibly has another child on the way. Yet, I couldn't stop thinking about the way he made me feel. It was like I didn't want to think about that stuff at the time. I was selfish and I just wanted him because he has a way of talking "good" and making me feel like everything is going good in my life.


Today, I don't even feel the same way about this guy. I feel hurt that I hurt my boyfriend and could possibly lose him forever. I'M in shock that I put this guy over my boyfriend--who loves me and would give me the world if he could. I can't believe that I did this to him. I feel even worse that I'm not able to tell him, because I DON'T want to lose. I know he has the right to chose whether or not he'll stay with me after what I did, but I LOVE him so much. I will tell him in the future. Just not right now.


This other guy is a complete scumbag. Thank you guys for making me realize that.

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I got into bed with a scumbag who is probably seeing other women


So that makes you a scumbag too right??


heres some serious advice.


I think the best thing for you to do is break it off with your bf and just be single for a couple of years while you build morals and respect for yourself and others.

The first step would be to tell your bf and go from there.

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Why are u guys making it seem like I am a worthless person? I made a mistake. I know I was wrong. That doesn't justify you guys calling me names and sh*t! I am not a mean person. I wouldn't get up on here talking bullsh*t about all of your problems and I sure wouldn't throw them in your face. So please to all the haters...STOP being immature and grow up. Seriously!!!!!!1


The only person who has given me some good solid advice is that guy Rob, with the cute baby pictures as his profile picture*. Other than that, the rest of you keep on talking smack. Boy, I really hope u don't talk about your friends like that who make mistakes?? If so, than I doubt you even have any real ones.


Please, if you aren't going to tell me something useful, than don't tell me nothing at ALL! Got it! Leave me alone. I'm kickin' you and the rest of you off of this thread!

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Basically, I cheated on my boyfriend and I don't really feel remorseful. I know this doesn't seem right, but I really have no regrets. I'm young and want to have fun while I'm still alive.


The ONLY reason you have even begun to "hurt"...

I feel hurt that I hurt my boyfriend and could possibly lose him forever.

...or even give half a damn about your BF's feelings...is because you just got screwed over.


~~~ Karma used a speeding train this time it seems

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Do you want to know why everyone here is "hating"?


Because you said you cheated on your boyfriend whom you "love" but you don't regret it, and you don't feel remorseful about it.


And then you complain about the guy you cheated on your boyfriend with.


So, why should anyone feel bad for you, or want to be on your side?


I feel bad for your boyfriend, and he is the one I'd like to give the advice to. To leave you. You don't deserve him, and after what you wrote, you couldn't convince me otherwise..

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Do you want to know why everyone here is "hating"?


Because you said you cheated on your boyfriend whom you "love" but you don't regret it, and you don't feel remorseful about it.


And then you complain about the guy you cheated on your boyfriend with.


So, why should anyone feel bad for you, or want to be on your side?


I feel bad for your boyfriend, and he is the one I'd like to give the advice to. To leave you. You don't deserve him, and after what you wrote, you couldn't convince me otherwise..


At first, I didn't regret it, because it was so new. However, if you've been actually reading what I write, than maybe you will put two and two together. It's not my fault you do not read.


You don't have to feel sorry for my boyfriend either. He doesn't feel sorry for you.

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The only troll around here, is the one looking back at you in the mirror...


Uh hu...Is that all you've got...Here...You should've said this "I'm rubber and you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks back on you"....You should've said that...It would've been more explanatory...

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This whole thread is priceless. The mentality of a cheater...


I feel really bad for the bf- especially cause he has no idea what has been going on- he deserves so much better.


He deserves "SO MUCH BETTER, AH"....If you even knew half the * * * * I've put up with from him, maybe you'll come to sympathize with me...

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Is it just me, or does her story keep changing? Sounds to me like someone is watching too many episodes of "Jerry Springer."


There is nothing changing about my story...My life goes on, thereforeeee my story will be "never ending". My life doesn't just stop because I'm using this forum...Unlike some of you.....

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with all due respect blue, this is a lil later on, but i read that and WOAH.


I know for a fact I'm one of the women who will NEVER cheat, I respect myself and my partner a lot more than that.


If you cheat your just a loser to me. I see it this way, should of broken up with your partner if you wanted to straddle.

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