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I cheated on my boyfriend part 2


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She came back over his house and spent the night like a week after the time they just kissed and cuddled.


Oh.....well ok.....


that clears everything up.


I hope it is BS, because I would really hate to think that anyone would be that ridiculously stupid to even entertain the notion of getting involved with a man that has spread his seed all over town more than the local farmer does and get mad because he lied about not having a car. Oh brother.....

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Hey guys, take it easy on her. I mean, Not ALL women want to be RESPECTED and LOVED. That stuff is waaaaaaaay overrated. Nothing gets my engine turning like being used by the biggest hoodrat scrub in town and then tossed to the side. Awesome.




Haha....hoodrat.......I love that word.......


I wanted to kind of go there but bit my tongue...

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With so little self esteem, it's no wonder you seek attention to inflate your ego, making you a prime target for players who recognize your weakness for flattery. It's all about you, at least until you fall in love and discover it's not.


No matter what we write here, you'll only learn the hard way.

Seems quite fair, actually.


You're right. I don't have much self-esteem, and it's no wonder I attract men like this.

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I agree. You reap what you sow. If you don't like it, plant better seeds.

Or rather don't spread quite so many around.


I don't know who you're calling a hoe. I have only cheated on my boyfriend this one time. I am only human.!! People make mistakes.


Is that all you got???? ALL OF YOU???????????


To make me feel like crap, when I clearly already feel like * * * * ! There's no need to put me down even more...I came here looking for help, maybe some solid advice that I could run with, but everyone keeps on calling me names like I'm some evil person with a bad agenda. My intentions are NOT to hurt my boyfriend. That's not what I wanted!!!!!!! I made a MISTAKE!!!!! And I just told everyone that I'm not talking to this other guy anymore! He lies too much!


Everyone on here is throwing * * * * at me, trying to make me feel bad about myself. Well, REALITY CHECK PEOPLE!!! I don't care if you've cheated OR NOT, you ARE NOT perfect little angels!!! You are a person just like me. You've made mistakes, just like me!!!!! So for all of you out there who continue to leave your little "pointless" two-sense..keep on doing it, if it makes you feel better about yourself!

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You're right. I don't have much self-esteem, and it's no wonder I attract men like this.


I really hope you're not serious?


You wonder why you attract men like this? You're the better part of being a (for lack of a better word and as the other poster said) hoodrat you can't expect to find a decent guy when you go around screwing other guys while you're in a relationship and then get pissed off because the guy you were cheating with LIED to you. What the hell do you expect? Having your cake and eating it too? Please hun it doesn't happen in the real world. You're hurt because this guy lied to you, wth do you think your bf is feeling like?

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It's so great how people on here are so quick to judge...But there MUST be a reason why you spend all of your time on this stupid ass forum.....LOSERS!!


says the person who is whining about being lied to by the guy she is cheating on her bf with.. Wish I had as much class as you

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ummm your mistake was going to this guys house to cuddle. You didn't learn from it.


Going to his house AGAIN again to F*** him, is not a mistake You don't feel any remorse, so IMO you're not anyone I would want to know.


I'm not perfect but I have never willingly cheated on my boyfriend. If I was ever unhappy in a relationship or wanted t be with someone else I would break with my boyfriend FIRST. That is what someone does you has respect for the person you are with.

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To make me feel like crap, when I clearly already feel like * * * * ! There's no need to put me down even more...I came here looking for help, maybe some solid advice that I could run with, but everyone keeps on calling me names like I'm some evil person with a bad agenda. My intentions are NOT to hurt my boyfriend. That's not what I wanted!!!!!!! I made a MISTAKE!!!!! And I just told everyone that I'm not talking to this other guy anymore! He lies too much!



That's a good one! I thought you said it was a mistake that you cuddled with him and as they say actions speak louder than words. Your actions took you back to this scum a week later when you had SEX with him (after posting here and trying to get help which you obviously ignored). Then came on here saying you didn't feel remorseful for what you did to your boyfriend because you were young.


Honey you not only lie to much...you play to many games. Do not come on here crying victim, now!

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ummm your mistake was going to this guys house to cuddle. You didn't learn from it.


Going to his house AGAIN again to F*** him, is not a mistake You don't feel any remorse, so IMO you're not anyone I would want to know.


I'm not perfect but I have never willingly cheated on my boyfriend. If I was ever unhappy in a relationship or wanted t be with someone else I would break with my boyfriend FIRST. That is what someone does you has respect for the person you are with.


UM!! Excuse me...Did you even read my post... The first time I went over to his house we had sex....


I do have respect for myself and I have learned from my mistake. I'm going to work on things with my boyfriend and leave this guy alone.


He's supposedly coming over to my sisters house on Friday to drink with us, but I don't know how much I want to go now. If I do go, it'll be to tell him we can't be FWB anymore.

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I don't care what any of you say..Until you are in a predicament like this, you never know what you WILL or will NOT do. You just don't know.. I was in your shoes not too long ago. I always told myself that I would never hurt my boyfriend by cheating on him.


It's just something that happened. I was feeling really down about a lot of stuff, this guy walked into the picture and started talking all this smack about how much he still cares about me and how I haven't changed and blah, blah, blah. I was very vulnerable and fell into his trap. One thing led to another and it just happened. I didn't intentionally leave the house that night thinking "I'm going to go find someone to screw around with". So please, don't sit up here and act like this makes me a bad person, because I am NOT a bad person.

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If anything, I was weak and naive--kind of still am. When you have been in a relationship for 4 years w/o anyone else noticing you because you've gained a little bit of weight, it feels good to get attention from someone who actually seems to show interest.


Again, NO one can say that they WILL or WILL NOT cheat, because you just don't know what you will do.

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UM!! Excuse me...Did you even read my post... The first time I went over to his house we had sex....


I do have respect for myself and I have learned from my mistake. I'm going to work on things with my boyfriend and leave this guy alone.


He's supposedly coming over to my sisters house on Friday to drink with us, but I don't know how much I want to go now. If I do go, it'll be to tell him we can't be FWB anymore.


You need to go over there and tell him you cant be FWB??????


Why not just avoid him all together?

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If anything, I was weak and naive--kind of still am. When you have been in a relationship for 4 years w/o anyone else noticing you because you've gained a little bit of weight, it feels good to get attention from someone who actually seems to show interest.


Again, NO one can say that they WILL or WILL NOT cheat, because you just don't know what you will do.


I was with my boyfriend for 3 years, put on weight, went thru hell and back with him and still didn't have the slightest desire to cheat.

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You need to go over there and tell him you cant be FWB??????


Why not just avoid him all together?

I'm going to go over there and tell him because my dumb ass called him from my home phone the other day and now he has my number. I don't want to just flat out ignore him because he might try to call me at home?? I don't know what he'll do?? It doesn't really seem like he cares that much to even call, but still. I want to tell him.

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I was with my boyfriend for 3 years, put on weight, went thru hell and back with him and still didn't have the slightest desire to cheat.

It's not about having a desire to cheat. I felt bad about myself. I didn't think that I was attractive. I got too comfortable in my relationship and didn't care how I looked. Than one day, some guy comes floating along and shows interest in me. That kind of "sparked" me up again. It got me thinking. Hey...Why am I letting myself go??


For the past three days, I've been drinking nothing but water and eating very low-fat meals. I've been watching my diet very closely. It feels good to take care of myself again. I've been doing it because I wanted to look good for this other guy. It's really hard to explain, I just hope you can see where I'm coming from.

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Well, of course you have to end FWB in person - the final F-buddy tryst is beyond compare!


You can create your own lost-love Harlequin romance novel in that 20 minutes!


^You're childish. That's all I'm going to say.

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It's not about having a desire to cheat. I felt bad about myself. I didn't think that I was attractive. I got too comfortable in my relationship and didn't care how I looked. Than one day, some guy comes floating along and shows interest in me. That kind of "sparked" me up again. It got me thinking. Hey...Why am I letting myself go??


For the past three days, I've been drinking nothing but water and eating very low-fat meals. I've been watching my diet very closely. It feels good to take care of myself again. I've been doing it because I wanted to look good for this other guy. It's really hard to explain, I just hope you can see where I'm coming from.


No, I don't think I can see where you are coming from because if what you say is true then any joe shmoe can come along and pay you an ounce of attention, does that mean you should hop into bed to make urself feel better?

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No, I don't think I can see where you are coming from because if what you say is true then any joe shmoe can come along and pay you an ounce of attention, does that mean you should hop into bed to make urself feel better?


No...I wouldn't do that. Are you forgetting that I knew this guy from my past. We went out for awhile. I just didn't ever really remember getting serious with him. I always thought we were just "friends".

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It's not about having a desire to cheat. I felt bad about myself. I didn't think that I was attractive. I got too comfortable in my relationship and didn't care how I looked. Than one day, some guy comes floating along and shows interest in me. That kind of "sparked" me up again. It got me thinking. Hey...Why am I letting myself go??


For the past three days, I've been drinking nothing but water and eating very low-fat meals. I've been watching my diet very closely. It feels good to take care of myself again. I've been doing it because I wanted to look good for this other guy. It's really hard to explain, I just hope you can see where I'm coming from.


Sweetheart, if you're going to lose weight, do it for yourself, not for this scumbag. Your boyfriend loves you and is still with you despite what you perceive as negative physical changes in your body. If you're really that insecure, why don't you dump your boyfriend and work on yourself until you feel secure enough in who you are and are self-confident enough to hold your own end of a long term relationship and remain faithful?


Low self-esteem is just as poor of an excuse for cheating as being drunk/young/dumb/naive.

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