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I cheated on my boyfriend part 2


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I wanted to start a new thread, because I don't think people in my last thread realized that I slept with this other guy when I stayed the night with him. If you want to read my last thread--it's the only other thread that I have made.


Basically, I cheated on my boyfriend and I don't really feel remorseful. I know this doesn't seem right, but I really have no regrets. I'm young and want to have fun while I'm still alive. You can all judge me if you want too, but it won't make me no different. I still love my boyfriend, but he is a very serious person and isn't that romantic.


I pretty much reconnected with someone from my past and really enjoy spending time with him, even though he seems like a liar at times. However, he makes me feel good about myself and that's what I need right now. He showers me with kisses and hugs and tells me how wonderful I am to be around. I really don't think I'll sleep with him again though, because I found out some MORE stuff about him that is really starting to bug the crap out of me.


I found out he just started talking to some girl that he hasn't even met yet. I asked him if he talked to anyone and he told me NO. Now, I don't care that he does, I'm just upset that he would lie to me. I mean come on, I'm in a relationship for geesh sakes. You would think he would have the audacity to AT least tell me that he talks to someone else, especially since I slept with him.


Also, last night I found out he doesn't have a car. Now, he clearly told me that he owned the car that he was driving around in. Again, I don't care that he doesn't have a car, it doesn't affect me anyway. It's just the simple fact that he "lied" about it. Why would he tell me he lie about something so trivial???


One other thing....This on is the worse!!!!! You all know he has three kids. Two girls by someone and one boy by someone else. Well, he's closer to his little boy. I met his son yesterday. When he left I called him to tell him I enjoyed meeting his son. Even though it was brief. Poor little boy didn't really have anything to do. Anyway, I asked him if his son has any other siblings on his mothers side. He told me NOT yet, but she was pregnant. This was a shocker!! This guy is just full of surprises. So I asked him if it was his child and he said "HE11 NO"! I asked him how far along she was and she's 3 months. Now, he got out of jail 5 months ago. Does that seem right to you?????


Not to mention that we were on the phone last night and he kept on mentioning that he was having "money problems"...Like he wanted me to say "Oh, how much do you need" or something. This guy is starting to turn irritating to me, because I think he lies to me? It's hard to say though?? Because I really don't know him like that.

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sounds like you are getting your just desserts.


what would be even better is if your bf could run into someone from his past, too, that actually respects him, and he dumped you for her.


then, you can support the loser, liar, felon and your current bf could have the nice life that he deserves

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Uh, ok, so for a second here are you able to pull your head out of your ass?


Ok, so before you stick your head back up there, listen to this.


Break up with your current boyfriend, he deserves better than this.

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The smart ones who read your last post knew it was bound to happen anyways.


Because you already believed you would have slept with him. The only thing stopping it was if you didn't hangout with him again.


But he got his rocks off with you and you got your rocks off with him and you don't even feel the slightest bit of guilt. That just speaks so much about who you are and where you are in your life.


You're not ready for a committed relationship and you should just tell that to your boyfriend. Say you want to play the field. Don't make mention of sleeping with this dude cause you're not sorry and you don't want to change and telling him isn't anything productive. Maybe if you felt guilty and wanted to change, i'd say tell him and work on it.


But you've made it clear you don't care about your boyfriends feelings and you don't see anything that you did as wrong. You are wrong though. You will realize when some guy cheats on you and plays you for a fool. You are not ready to be committed. You're too immature and you don't see fault in your actions so anything we say will not change you. You have to change yourself.

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Basically, I cheated on my boyfriend and I don't really feel remorseful. I know this doesn't seem right, but I really have no regrets. I'm young and want to have fun while I'm still alive.


Oh well that's alright then, as long as you get to have fun, who cares what happens to your bf, right? And meanwhile from your last thread, we have


I admitted that I messed up, I know that I am WRONG!


So you've now decided that cheating isn't wrong after all, because you're young, you get your jollies, and basically that's all that matters.


That's not the only inconsistency, either. For example


You can all judge me if you want too, but it won't make me no different. I still love my boyfriend, but he is a very serious person and isn't that romantic.


And yet from your previous thread, we have


Please don't judge me. I did not come here to be "judged"


It seems that your relationship with the truth is little better than that of your bit on the side that you're complaining about, and that's without even mentioning the mind-numbing hypocrisy of someone complaining about a lack of honesty while sleeping with another guy behind the back of someone she claims to love. Enough said, really.


Let us know when you return to reality, and in the meantime, expect to continue to feel bad. That's your conscience calling. The sooner you pick up, the sooner things can actually start to change for you.

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... he makes me feel good about myself and that's what I need right now. He showers me with kisses and hugs and tells me how wonderful I am to be around...


With so little self esteem, it's no wonder you seek attention to inflate your ego, making you a prime target for players who recognize your weakness for flattery. It's all about you, at least until you fall in love and discover it's not.


No matter what we write here, you'll only learn the hard way.

Seems quite fair, actually.

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I always have to chuckle a bit when someone who is cheating on their partner gets upset when they are lied to or cheated on by the person they are cheating with.


karma girlfriend. Get used to it!


Me and my ex who cheated on me right there...The dude she cheated with ended up cheating on her.





Karma is real.

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I'm just upset that he would lie to me. I mean come on, I'm in a relationship for geesh sakes. You would think he would have the audacity to AT least tell me that he talks to someone else, especially since I slept with him.



I'm just upset that he would LIE to ME! I mean come ON, I'm a cheating scuz without remorse for geesh sakes. You would think he would have the audacity to AT least tell me that I was just a cheap piece of tail, while he's chatting up another vagina! Especially since I landed flat on my back with my legs wide open.


Where's the RESPECT???!!!!............LOL

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I'm just upset that he would LIE to ME! I mean come ON, I'm a cheating scuz without remorse for geesh sakes. You would think he would have the audacity to AT least tell me that I was just a cheap piece of tail, while he's chatting up another vagina! Especially since I landed flat on my back with my legs wide open.


Where's the RESPECT???!!!!............LOL


Oh the audacity of some people! *insert sarcasm*

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I'm just upset that he would LIE to ME! I mean come ON, I'm a cheating scuz without remorse for geesh sakes. You would think he would have the audacity to AT least tell me that I was just a cheap piece of tail, while he's chatting up another vagina! Especially since I landed flat on my back with my legs wide open.


Where's the RESPECT???!!!!............LOL


The nerve of some people...Who do they think they are?

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I found out he just started talking to some girl that he hasn't even met yet. I asked him if he talked to anyone and he told me NO. Now, I don't care that he does, I'm just upset that he would lie to me. I mean come on, I'm in a relationship for geesh sakes.


You're mad he's lying to you even though you are lying to your boyfriend by cheating on him and not telling him? Deception by omission is just as bad as outright lying.


You and your cheating friend deserve each other.

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I found out he just started talking to some girl that he hasn't even met yet. I asked him if he talked to anyone and he told me NO. Now, I don't care that he does, I'm just upset that he would lie to me. I mean come on, I'm in a relationship for geesh sakes.


I can only hope the above was posted for entertainment purposes...otherwise I am still reeling over the pure inane context of this all.

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If this story isnt bs then,

then ive got $50 on her finding out shes pregnant within 9 days.


romeo will be back in jail probably within a couple months for not paying child support so live it up.



theres no way this can't be bs though.

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Karma is a real B!$#@!


My boyfriend that cheated on me found that out. He cheated on me with a girl that claimed he had a child with her. He found out months later he wasn't the father after she went through thousands of dollars of his money.


Don't you even care about possibly spreading STD's?


Your a real piece of work. The guy you cheated with is already playing you. Your poor boyfriend deserves so much better.

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If this story isnt bs then,

then ive got $50 on her finding out shes pregnant within 9 days.


romeo will be back in jail probably within a couple months for not paying child support so live it up.



theres no way this can't be bs though.


Yeah, I am also leaning towards this being total bs

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