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How often do you say it?


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i agree somewhat with the previous poster. in my past relationship, i would say it ALOT and so would he. it sort of just became something to say in the end. But in the relationship i'm in now, i live in Connecticut a my boyfriend lives in syracuse NY, we only get to see eachother a couple of times a month. When we are on the phone, we say it right when we are about to get off, and when he is with me, we say it right when he leaves. because in my other relationship i was used to hearing it all the time, i got alittle worried and confronted him about it and he said that it is possible for you to say i love you too much, ofcourse you can make it known but if you love someone and they love you back, then there is no real reason to say it constantly, the rarity of hearing it makes it so much more meaningful when you do hear it. that's something he taught me and he's very right. It's the little things he does that show me that he does love me and is thinking about me. he calls me everynight at the same time, he texts me during the day if work is slow or something, and he drives 5 hours just to see me for a day, actions speak sooo much louder than words.

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My g/f and I are very much in love and are going to be getting engaged soon enough. We both came from pasts where we said it all the time. We believe it cheapens the meaning and doesn't feel as potent if you use it all the time.


Question is, would you rather use it frequently to get reassurance every moment of the day, or would you rather here it maybe once / twice a week or so and have your heart melt every single time?

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