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Constant Exhaustion

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For the last few months, I've suffered from constant exhaustion. If I could, I'd sleep ALL the time. I can't wake up in the mornings at all, making late for work and school, which NEVER used to happen. I fall asleep in class (also NEVER happened), feel drowsy while driving, and fall asleep whenever I watch television or even in the movie theater. I've never been a morning person, but once I was up I was usually fine. Now, even if I take a shower to get myself moving, I just want to crawl back into bed all the time!!


I've tried talking to my doctor but he kind of just ignored me. My parents just yell at me to go to bed earlier, but I can't. I try to go to sleep around midnight, but my mind just races nonstop until at least 2:30am no matter what I do! And lately, even when I'm dead tired, I can't fall asleep at night.


I'm going to London for the first time soon and I CAN'T be sleeping all the time!! I need to get this straightened out but I don't know what to do! What could make me so exhausted and what can I do to fix it? ](*,)

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I've tried talking to my doctor but he kind of just ignored me. My parents just yell at me to go to bed earlier, but I can't. I try to go to sleep around midnight, but my mind just races nonstop until at least 2:30am no matter what I do! And lately, even when I'm dead tired, I can't fall asleep at night.


I'm going to London for the first time soon and I CAN'T be sleeping all the time!! I need to get this straightened out but I don't know what to do! What could make me so exhausted and what can I do to fix it? ](*,)


What stands out to me are "this never happened before" "my doctor ignored me" and "my parents tell me to go to bed earlier, but because my mind races I can't go to bed earlier than at least 230"


The fact your mind races some might consider it to be an overactive mind which I sometimes get if I can't calm myself to sleep at night and thus have all these thoughts floating around in my mind as I'm trying to sleep. The thing to consider is what is going on in your life that could be contributing to it. Is there a common theme at night when you're trying to sleep that your mind is racing over?


How is your diet? Sometimes poor nutrition or lack of minerals and adequate nutrients can cause a deficiency and make it harder on your body to perform at optimum level. Certain things bog down our body or there's not enough for your body to run on or we're not keeping ourselves active enough.


Another thing to consider is what you're putting into your body at times of the day. Obviously things like whether you drink tea or coffee or anything with caffeine, just how much it is you take daily can have an effect. At a particular volume, it takes time to exit your system and can still be flowing through you at night when you're trying to sleep. On top of that things like smoking, drugs and alcohol can also play a roll.


Lastly it can be the quality of sleep you get. You might be getting 8 hours a night, but are they quality hours? If you have sleep apnea or another type of detrimental sleeping disorder that prevents you from getting adequate sleep, it also may be a factor that is contributing. It can almost feel sometimes like you didn't sleep at all.


hope this helped

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...Sounds like you need attention and someone to advise you in your life. The advice would calm your anxiety and lift a lot of weight off yourself.


Try talking to another health professional - preferably a therapist - and realize that your parents aren't perfect. They'll say and do things that won't make sense or that will appear as if they don't love you. You'll not always be able to depend on them, is what I'm trying to say here.

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Go to the doctor and get them to test your iron and vitamin b12 levels. These are common sources of fatigue, even for meat eaters. You may also need to get your thyroid levels checks.


Aside from physical reasons, if you are depressed or stressed, it could be causing the fatigue.


Also, do you eat well? I know I get exhausted if I eat crap all the time.

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I know when I'm down and depressed about things, I NEVER feel like doing anything... This week has been a bit like that. I've been down about my ex being gone and have also been down about my job. One thing, though, that I realized helped me more than anything is talking about it (like you are here) and forcing myself to get out and get some exercise whether I felt like it or not.

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I have some tips that might help you. I have as you do an over-active imagination/mind.


1.) Place your alarm clock on the other side of your room away from the bed. That way you have to get out of bed to shut the darn thing off.


2.) Develop a going-to-bed ritual. Mine is washing my face and brushing my teeth. I then get into bed and turn off my lamp and play with my hair to relax myself.


3.) I avoid caffeine from 4pm on.


4.) I try not to watch movies from 9pm on.


5.) I get up at the same time and try to go to bed at the same time.


6.) I drink chamomile tea before I wash my face.


7.) I think of the sound of water to help myself sleep.


8.) I'll listen to classical music to help me sleep.


I usually do this stuff when I'm depressed to get myself in a better mood. I try to eat fruity things in the morning since that reminds of waking up.


Do you take any vitamins??

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